The Lantern Preschool

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About The Lantern Preschool

Name The Lantern Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Old Village Hall, Canford Magna, WIMBORNE, Dorset, BH21 3AF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bournemouth,ChristchurchandPoole
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are greeted by gentle and kind staff.

They settle quickly and are soon playing with favourite activities, such as investigating equipment with cogs, playing with toy dolls, or building train tracks. There is a calm atmosphere, with children positively engaged in their learning. Children are well behaved and kind to their friends.

They learn how to respect and understand the needs of others. Staff act as good role models for children's positive behaviour. Children develop strong relationships with staff and their friends.

Children are imaginative and eager to explore. They become deeply involved in play and focus their attention on tasks without becoming distracted. For instance, they make 'salad' with mud, water and grass, and carefully mix the ingredients together.

Children develop their self-confidence as they learn to be more independent. All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, gain the skills they need to support their future learning.The manager has adapted children's routines to promote a safe environment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For example, parents drop off and collect their children from the main entrance and, on arrival, children immediately wash their hands. The manager regularly evaluates and reviews their practice with staff and parents.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is well planned by staff, who know the children well.

They provide children with a broad range of activities, planned around the children's individual interests. For instance, children enjoy exploring the properties of ice. They recognise that their warm hands make the ice melt.

Children watch intently when they add warm water and see the ice melt and disappear. They learn new words, such as 'melting' and 'dripping', as staff teach them about how the ice changes form. This supports their exploration and language skills well.

Children develop a strong love of books as they listen to familiar stories. Staff read with enthusiasm, allowing children to join in with phrases and words. They create cosy areas where children happily relax with favourite books.

There are many opportunities for children to develop their understanding of mathematics. They learn about numbers, colours and shapes during their daily routines. For example, during a cutting activity, children identify familiar shapes.

They count how many pieces they have cut. Children proudly explain which pieces are bigger and smaller.The manager provides effective leadership for her team.

She has made good use of support and regular training. The manager conducts regular supervision and provides feedback to staff. However, at times, staff do not ask interesting questions or give children the time they need to think through their answers.

Senior leaders have good links with a range of external agencies and wider professionals. They seek help and advice, when needed, to benefit children and ensure their needs are well met. For instance, strong links with local schools help children to feel secure when they move on from the setting.

Staff build good relationships with other settings that children attend, to provide continuity in care and learning.Parents praise the care their children receive. Staff share information about what children have done and enjoyed on a daily basis with parents.

However, not all parents feel that they have received clear information about how they could support their children's learning at home.Staff promote children's good health and encourage children to be physically active. Children take part in a physical development programme and learn how to move in a variety of ways.

They use their pincer grip to grasp pieces of materials and swish them around in the air to make small and large circles.Staff provide frequent opportunities for children to develop their independence. For example, children dress themselves in waterproof clothes, ready for outdoor play.

They are keen to contribute to tidying away activities when supported by staff.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager, staff and nominated individual have a detailed understanding of their roles and responsibilities to keep children safe.

Staff know how to identify when children might be at risk of harm, including from extreme views or practices. They complete regular safeguarding training to keep them up to date with current safeguarding requirements. Staff know how to report concerns, to maintain children's welfare.

The committee and the manager have secure procedures in place for recruitment and suitability checks. Staff complete effective and thorough risk assessments.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen support for staff to develop their questioning techniques, to further encourage children's communication and language abilities review and adapt ways in which information is shared with parents, including how parents can support their child's ongoing learning at home.

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