The Lighthouse Day Care Nursery

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About The Lighthouse Day Care Nursery

Name The Lighthouse Day Care Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 8 Warwick New Road, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 5JF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Warwickshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children attain the highest levels in education and learning at this exceptional nursery.

Leaders and staff are passionate about their role in preparing children to be the very best they can be. Children receive excellent support in their personal care as they become independent. Babies receive individual care from staff who are kind and nurturing.

There is a high focus on children's emotional well-being across all ages. The exciting and captivating environment helps children to flourish and their imagination is limitless. Older children make decisions about their own learning.

Staff encourage them to f...ollow their interests and support their learning with an extensive range of resources. This ignites their curiosity to learn more. Children have a can-do attitude to learning.

A topic about the moon and space captivates children. At night children look at the moon. They consider how it changes each day and compare the change of size over the month.

Younger children relish exploring as they engage in exciting sensory play experiences. They begin to mark make in paint while they use their large muscles to stand and balance. Children have exceptional levels of confidence and self-esteem.

They behave impeccably. Children are introduced to routines from a young age. They learn quickly about what is right and wrong.

The outside environment is very well designed. It provides space to run, exercise and learn.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is exceptionally well planned.

It focuses precisely on the sequence of learning that teaches children the skills they will need for their next stage of development. As a result, children learn rapidly. A programme of professional support and training drives continual improvement.

The team holds a shared vision for all children to make the best possible progress. The setting provides excellent support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.Children's language is particularly impressive.

They are introduced to books at the earliest opportunity. Staff talk and verbalise constantly with children. Younger children speak in full sentences at an early age.

Staff particularly focus on language and model this expertly. Older children can sound out words using phonics. During a game, the children help to sort the 'messy box'.

They have a letter clue to help them. They match a box with a picture to the letter, such as 'S' for 'snake'. In turn they sort the box.

They sound out the letters and sing the jingle to remind them. Some children sound out very long words in phonics with great success.Teaching is highly effective.

A unique assessment of children focuses precisely on what each child needs to learn next. Children are resilient and have very high levels of concentration. Staff use children's interests to keep them engaged.

They help children to understand their emotions as they play as vets and care for toy animals. Children complete their own 'pet charts' and practise early mark making. Early mathematics is a strength.

Older children use technology. Children use stopwatches to count the number of star jumps they do in a minute. They learn about weight and quantity.

Children begin to predict, add and subtract.Children play harmoniously. Staff skilfully introduce simple boundaries from an early age, which encourages an ethos of care and respect.

They make lovely friendships and talk kindly about each other. In their peer groups, they create their own learning. A group of older children enthusiastically organise a play for the room.

They use the face masks they have made to act out 'The Three Little Pigs'. They gather together the audience and children ask what pretend snacks they would like to eat, 'popcorn or chocolate?'. They take turns as the adult narrator guides them through the story.

They know their lines well as they 'blow down the house'. They take a bow at the end to the applause of the audience.Children explore the wider world and communities.

They learn about different faiths and cultures through books and activities. They recently took part in Chinese New Year celebrations. Partnerships with parents are excellent.

They are extremely happy with the care and learning their children receive. They are included in their children's learning. Parents commented on their own enjoyment at being involved in the moon project.

They receive regular feedback about their children's care.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have developed a high level of skill in identifying the signs and symptoms that may suggest a child is at potential risk of abuse.

They undertake regular training to keep their knowledge current. Staff are familiar with the local procedures for raising any concerns about a child in their care. Leaders provide staff with very good support in their roles to keep children safe.

They maintain a clear overview to assist staff. Children are encouraged to think about their own safety. They learn simple rules for e-safety and what to do if they are worried.

This supports them to keep themselves safe. The premises are secure. Effective risk assessments ensure that children play safely.

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