The Piggybank Day Nursery Ltd

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About The Piggybank Day Nursery Ltd

Name The Piggybank Day Nursery Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address 47 Station Road, WESTGATE-ON-SEA, Kent, CT8 8QY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children absolutely love coming to this friendly and welcoming setting.

They are exceptionally motivated in their learning and quickly become involved in purposeful play experiences. Children cooperate extremely well together, taking turns and sharing. Older children are very good role models to the younger children.

Consequently, all children's behaviour is exemplary. Children show high levels of respect for each other and the staff who look after them.Staff know the children as unique individuals and enhance children's learning on a regular basis.

They have very high expectations for what children can... achieve and provide a rich and varied curriculum tailored to children's individual needs. For example, children find caterpillars among the plants and shrubs in the exploration area. They delight in carefully turning over leaves and finding moth eggs.

Children then look at cocoons under microscopes as they find different species of moths, butterflies and their associated facts in books. Young children explore the similarities and differences between the colours and patterns, while older children are encouraged to look up facts about changes that occur in the life cycle. Highly skilled staff adapt the activity to suit all abilities to make sure children make the best possible progress.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children are making excellent progress. Staff are highly knowledgeable about child development and learning. They make precise and accurate assessments about children's progress and expertly target their next steps in learning.

Staff are exceptional teachers and enrich children's learning by planning inspiring activities in the moment that are based on children's interests. For example, children who need to build confidence in their interactions with others are encouraged to take part in role play. Staff use their interest in numbers to initiate play experiences in a pop-up ice cream shop.

Children learn skills in counting and money exchange, as they begin to form close relationships.Staff support children to develop very confident communication skills. They regularly introduce new words to children's already extensive range of vocabulary.

For instance, children create pictures of houses from 'The Three Little Pigs' story. They compare the house made from straw to houses with a thatched roof and bricks held together by cement. Staff and children learn Makaton signing to ensure everyone can communicate effectively.

Children learn simple signs to express their thanks. For instance, they hold the door open for one another and sign 'thank you' as they pass through.Babies confidently explore the environment as they begin to make sense of their world.

They are fascinated by sensory experiences, such as looking at the 'night sky' light projector and exploring animals in scented shaving foam. Their social skills are supported to the highest level. This is demonstrated when babies sit together with the inspirational adults, to sing simple songs and rhymes.

Staff work extremely closely with partner professionals in education and health, who are also involved in children's learning. They are dedicated and work hard to implement agreed strategies and activities. Funding is strategically allocated to provide effective resources and further training for staff.

This helps to provide a consistent approach to support children and their learning. For example, staff gain advice from experts about how to support children who speak English as an additional language. As a result, all children make exceptional progress.

Staff have a superior understanding of the geographical context of the nursery and the children and families that attend. They provide enriching experiences, such as visits to the beach, participation in the community pancake race and outings to the shops, to build on children's life experiences. This contributes towards all children, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, gaining a vast knowledge of the locality in which they live.

Parents treasure the care that their children receive. They say the nursery's efforts to communicate and involve parents in every step of their child's learning are 'exceptional'. Staff talk to parents about theirs and their child's health and well-being.

They arrange for parents to network and build strong relationships outside of the setting. This nurturing and supportive approach helps to secure a consistent and robust method to ensure children make the best possible progress.Leaders ensure that the well-being of staff is a high priority.

They train their staff to have a secure foundation base and embed this in their practice. Staff are free to explore their own interests, and leaders support their passions. The impact of this is an outstanding quality of education for all children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff have a very good understanding of the signs that may indicate a child is at risk of harm. They have an excellent knowledge of the current procedures to follow should they have concerns about children's welfare.

All staff have undertaken safeguarding training. They discuss safeguarding issues at staff meetings. The manager maintains documentation to a very high standard.

All records required for the safe and efficient management of the nursery are in place. Staff share their knowledge of safeguarding with parents through discussion, leaflets and posters. For instance, they advise with information on how to ensure children use the internet safely.

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