The Village Nursery

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About The Village Nursery

Name The Village Nursery
Website http://_Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address St. Marys Centre, Ladywell Road, London, Kent, SE13 7UW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lewisham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and relaxed at this family run nursery.

They develop strong bonds with staff and confidently ask for help when they need it. When children are upset or tired, they seek out staff members for reassurance or a cuddle. Children have high levels of self-esteem and self-assurance.

They respond positively to the warm encouragement and praise they receive from staff.Children demonstrate good behaviour and follow the nursery routine well. They listen to staff and respond well to instructions, for example, when staff ask children to wait their turn or sit for lunch.

Behaviour is well managed, and chi...ldren learn right from wrong. Their independence is well supported from an early age, starting in the baby room, where the youngest children learn to use cutlery. By the time they reach pre-school, children can wipe their own noses and wash their hands by themselves.

Children are motivated to explore and investigate the stimulating learning environment. For example, children love to get involved with activities in the art room, where staff encourage them to create work they are proud of. Children thrive and make good progress in their learning and staff have high expectations of them.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children make excellent progress in their speech and language development. Staff listen to them with interest and respond with thoughtful questioning. Children have access to books and enjoy regular storytime sessions.

This helps boost children's communication skills.Leaders have designed a curriculum which supports children to be creative and curious about the world. Both the indoor and outdoor play areas support children to become self-directed learners.

More-experienced staff role model good teaching practice to less-experienced colleagues, including apprentices. This helps to drive improvement across the nursery.Staff prepare interesting activities and support children of all ages to engage with experiences.

Children enjoy their learning and make good progress from their starting points. However, there are occasions when the oldest children do not always receive high levels of challenge, especially in the months prior to starting school, to take their learning even further.Babies thrive in the affectionate care of highly qualified staff.

Staff arrange the baby room to allow the youngest learners to access activities and have fun. After a busy morning and a healthy lunch, babies settle easily to sleep. The routine and care they receive allows babies to form strong attachments and feel secure.

Children have a lot of fun at nursery. They make good friends and play together well. Staff help children when they play together.

Children learn to share, take turns, to win and to lose. This helps children develop the social skills they need to form healthy relationships.Children behave well.

They use polite language and rarely have to be prompted to use please and thank you. Staff explain the rules. For example, they limit numbers around a popular building activity, remind children not to run indoors and use 'inside voices'.

Children know the rules and the routines which support their emotional security.Children enjoy healthy and nutritious meals freshly prepared on site by the nursery cook. Staff know children's dietary requirements and ensure any preferences and allergies are catered for.

Staff eat with children to role model good table manners and engage them in conversation to support social mealtimes.Leaders are open and honest about the management decisions they make. Staff state that they enjoy a pleasant and supportive work environment.

They say they are reassured that they can discuss any concerns at supervision sessions. This supports a culture of openness, where children's needs are prioritised.Staff state high levels of job satisfaction and personal well-being.

They say they enjoy their roles and get support to access any training they require. Apprentices are assigned a mentor to support them. This helps all staff gain the knowledge and understanding they need to promote children's best interests.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff access training which ensures their knowledge and understanding of safeguarding is secure. Staff are alert to a wide range of indicators of potential abuse.

The know the procedure to follow if they are concerned about a child and where to report any concerns. In the event of an allegation being made against a member of staff, leaders are clear on the procedures to follow and the appropriate agencies to contact. Leader's follow safer recruitment procedures and vetting of staff is rigorous.

The premises are secure, and the indoor and outdoor environment is regularly risk assessed. Effective staff deployment supports children's safety and security.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: provide more challenging activities for the oldest pre-school children to extend their knowledge and understanding even further.

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