Tiny Tots Bradford Ltd

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About Tiny Tots Bradford Ltd

Name Tiny Tots Bradford Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address 72 Thornton Road, Bradford, BD1 2DG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bradford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are warmly greeted at the nursery by staff who know them well.

They quickly settle as staff engage them in conversations or provide activities that they know the children will enjoy. Children demonstrate lovely behaviour towards each other and adults. For example, when two children choose the same-coloured thread, one child happily says, 'You can have it', before choosing another colour.

This helps children, including those who have recently started at the nursery, to feel safe and secure.Children have many opportunities to develop their mathematical understanding. For example, they use different-shaped and co...loured beads when threading onto a piece of string.

Children count how many beads they have added, pointing out the many colours and patterns. A staff member demonstrates how to tie a knot in the string. Children carefully practise this until they succeed and are given lots of praise for their achievement.

Children use mathematical language in their play. Children's independence is promoted throughout the day. For example, they serve their own lunch and pour their drinks.

Children use tongs to select which fruit they would like at snack time. Staff support children to learn how to put on and fasten up their coats. Children learn independence skills from a young age.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Nursery staff provide children with stimulating and challenging activities based on their interests and individual needs. For example, children use magnetic shapes to create patterns together. Babies laugh as they join in the actions for 'Heads, shoulders, knees and toes'.

Toddlers select toy animals, making the animal noises as they pass them to a staff member. Children are making good progress in their learning and development.Children enjoy their time outdoors.

They develop good physical skills as they race each other and ride bicycles. Children explore the changing textures of the sand as they add more water, then get messy loading it onto their digger trucks. However, the manager does not always fully review activities before they are presented to children, to ensure they are appropriate for their stage of development.

The nursery provides support for many children who speak English as an additional language. Staff use lots of singing and rhyming to introduce new words to children. They use short sentences and repeat words often.

Children use other strategies, including sign language, to say 'good morning' to each other. Children soon become excited about listening to familiar stories, calling out the character names on each page. Children make good progress in their communication and language skills.

Children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle is promoted well through the curriculum. For instance, children learn what foods are healthy, both for their bodies and their teeth. They brush their teeth twice a day at the nursery and benefit from regular visits from a dentist to provide children with a preventative treatment for their teeth.

Information is shared with parents about how they can continue this at home.The manager has made positive changes since the nursery's last inspection. A new ventilation and air-conditioning unit has been installed.

Management and staff have undertaken a wide range of training to ensure they are able to offer good outcomes for children in their care.The manager completes regular discussions with staff about their well-being and professional development. However, current supervision arrangements are not fully effective in ensuring staff have a clear understanding of how they can improve further in their role.

Partnership with parents is positive. Staff use an electronic app to keep in regular contact with parents. This enables parents to share information about their child's learning and routines at home with staff.

Parents value the support the manager and staff have given them to navigate the local area and services when moving into the area and often a new country.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff, including apprentices, have a clear understanding of their role to keep children safe.

They know the signs and symptoms that may indicate a child could be at risk of harm, including wider safeguarding issues such as radicalisation. Staff are clear about who they would raise any child protection concerns with and the procedures to follow. The manager ensures staff continue to develop their safeguarding skills and knowledge by attending regular training and completing questionnaires.

Any accidents or incidents are quickly notified to parents via the electronic app. Daily safety checks are completed to ensure children are safe and secure.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review activities for children more thoroughly, to ensure they are appropriate for the children taking part nimplement more effective supervision arrangements so staff have clear targets to support and improve the quality of their practice.

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