Toad Hall Nursery School

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About Toad Hall Nursery School

Name Toad Hall Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Address 37 St. Marys Gardens, Kennington, London, SE11 4UF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lambeth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

The setting's curriculum is consistently strong across all areas of learning. Staff place the children at the centre of everything they plan and do. Staff are highly attuned to the children's interests, needs and backgrounds.

For example, children are highly engaged in topic work because themes are based on their backgrounds and interests. Children are offered opportunities that ensure they develop a plethora of skills for life. For example, they are constantly introduced to new, rich vocabulary such as 'camouflage'.

The staff have strong links with outside agencies. This means that children with special educati...onal needs are securely supported. Staff skilfully use sign language for those children less able to verbally express themselves.

Children are well supported during potty training as staff use different strategies that meet children's individual needs. Staff are extremely confident teachers and know how to support children to become confident, independent and resilient. The well-equipped rooms enable children to choose from the excellent range of activities.

Children form secure friendships with their peers and they behave exceptionally well for their age. Teachers have consistently high expectations of all children. For example, children are encouraged to use scissors safely to master their cutting skills and predict what happens next in stories.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The leader has a very passionate vision for the children. She sets high expectations with her team. All staff are highly qualified and dedicated to the nursery, which creates a consistent approach to teaching.

The leader provides exceptional support to her staff team, organising relevant, focused training to enhance their teaching skills and knowledge. The leader acts with integrity and actively promotes staff well-being.Children are extremely well prepared for future learning and school through the everyday activities they take part in.

The nursery has strong links with the children's future schools, which means that children's transitions are very well supported. Children learn about the importance of a good diet because extremely healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables from other countries are thoughtfully presented by the staff. Lunchtimes are extremely social occasions and the nursery successfully promotes a 'family' atmosphere.

This helps children to feel happy and safe.Children's voices are listened to and they are involved in decision-making. For example, when a new member of staff is going through the recruitment process, children are asked for their feedback.

The partnerships with parents are highly developed, secure and strong. Parents are very involved in the children's learning. For example, on the day of the inspection, a parent came into the nursery to talk about their country of origin.

This helped children to build their knowledge of the world and other communities, through the use of props, such as traditional clothing.There is a robust key-person system in place. Children who speak English as an additional language swiftly become confident communicators in both their home language and English.

The key persons' expert knowledge of children's home experiences and language significantly enhances children's understanding and use of English. For instance, staff learn key words and text in a child's home language when the child first starts, to value the language they speak at home. Children are constantly exposed to new vocabulary through the high-quality interactions they enjoy with staff around the different topics they explore.

Children have wonderful opportunities to creatively explore the resources available, such as the mud kitchen in the garden. They are very eager to take part in adult-led activities and learn about the world they live in. For example, when learning about South America, real-life objects from various countries are made available for them to freely explore.

Because of the strong, well-delivered curriculum, children do exceptionally well and are challenged to learn more. For example, children already exceeding in mathematics are encouraged to take part in solving equations.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Safeguarding is effective. The manager and staff have an in-depth understanding of safeguarding. Staff recognise signs of abuse and know what steps they need to take to ensure children are kept safe at all times.

The manager and staff understand their role to protect children from extreme views and beliefs. They can expertly explain the local procedures to follow if they have a concern about a child's safety. Children learn about risks and keeping themselves safe, for example when going up and down the stairs with confidence and when holding the scissors.

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