Tops Day Nurseries - Parkstone

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About Tops Day Nurseries - Parkstone

Name Tops Day Nurseries - Parkstone
Ofsted Inspections
Address 104-106 Herbert Avenue, Poole, DORSET, BH12 4HU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bournemouth,ChristchurchandPoole
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children feel happy and secure at this nursery.

Staff know the children well and are close by to offer help or praise. Children are absorbed in their learning as staff plan activities based on their ability and interests. Sensory play is set up in the babies room using flour and play animals, and babies enjoy seeing what happens to their floury hands when staff offer them a 'high five'.

Older children use mirrors as they begin to learn what makes them unique as they paint a self-portrait. Children learn how to care for the planet as most resources are made of natural materials. Their artwork using recycled materials is... displayed on the walls and children point to their 'masterpieces' with pride.

Staff encourage independence as early as the baby room, where they gently role model face wiping to babies. From toddler to pre-school rooms, children learn to clear their own plates and wash up. Staff reward good behaviour when children adhere to the nursery rules, such as using 'kind hands'.

Therefore, children are becoming resilient learners who know right from wrong and are prepared for their next stage in education.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are ambitious for all children. Staff are trained to assess what children can do and identify any gaps in learning.

Children at risk of falling behind are given targeted support to get them back on track. As a result, children reach their milestones. The curriculum is sequenced well and it is easy to see the expectations of children in each room.

Transitions between different rooms are well anticipated and planned and children settle in each new stage of the nursery well.Management encourage professional development and staff readily talk about their experiences in different rooms and the training they have received. Children benefit from a well-skilled workforce who act as good role models.

Children benefit from meaningful activities across each area of learning. Staff thoughtfully set out activities depending on next steps and children's interests. Babies love to sing along with songs and use props.

Older children demonstrate early literacy skills as they match sounds to written letters. Staff use opportunities to encourage early mathemathics whether by using the language of size in the baby room or by counting together in groups.Overall, children are confident to talk in small groups and staff introduce new words to extend vocabulary, such as 'nostrils' in a discussion about the body.

However, sometimes in the baby room and at snack times, conversations are limited and staff miss opportunities to develop children's communication skills fully.Staff teach children about different countries and their cultures and celebrations, such as the 'Fish Festival' in Japan. At circle time, children choose a language to greet each other in and confidently say 'bonjour' to their friends.

These learning experiences enrich children's understanding of the world and prepare them for life in modern Britain.Staff expect good behaviour and children react well to the rules of the nursery, such as using their 'inside voices'. Children are eager to join in activities especially in the large garden area where their enthusiasm is infectious.

Children are learning what they need to be healthy and take care of their bodies. They independently cut up fruit for snack and brush their teeth afterwards. Babies and children have ample access to the large garden areas.

Staff use the 'daily mile' to enhance physical development and children report that they can feel their hearts beat faster afterwards. Pre-school children enjoy quiet time with yoga and begin to understand about emotional well-being.Parents report good partnerships with staff.

They receive information on their child's learning and development and are supported to extend learning at home. Occasionally, some parents experience delays in receiving information and may require more support than is given.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

It is clear that safeguarding is of paramount importance as soon as you enter the nursery. There are robust systems in place to protect children on site. Leaders provide staff with up-to-date safeguarding training to ensure that they are confident to identify and report any concerns they have about a child.

Staff are therefore very knowledgeable about the signs and symptoms of all types of abuse and all safeguarding issues, such as preventing terrorism. Staff follow policies and procedures consistently throughout the nursery rooms.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: take advantage of opportunities throughout the daily routine to engage children in meaningful discussions to further extend their communication skills communicate more regularly with parents who need more support with their children's development.

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