Tops Day Nurseries - Wareham

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About Tops Day Nurseries - Wareham

Name Tops Day Nurseries - Wareham
Ofsted Inspections
Address 1 Carey Road, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 4AX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Dorset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are safe and happy in the care of friendly and knowledgeable staff. Parents no longer enter the nursery since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Staff provide comforting support to help children feel emotionally secure as they leave their parents. After saying goodbye, and a cuddle if needed, children settle quickly into their play. Children's behaviour is good and they play well together.

They are polite and kind to one another, and to visitors, ensuring there is space for everyone to sit and listen to a story. Children learn to be independent and enjoy doing things for themselves. Staff praise and encourage... younger children to place their plates and cutlery in the bowl after lunch, and pre-school children help wash their own dishes.

Children gain confidence in their own abilities. The manager, staff and regional team work well together. They have an ambitious and progressive curriculum designed to give all children the knowledge and skills they need to succeed, including when moving on to school.

Staff know the children well and use their current interests to provide a wide range of interesting and stimulating experiences indoors and outdoors. Children have extended periods of time to become fully involved in their self-chosen play. Staff encourage them to be creative thinkers and learn new words, for example when supporting pre-school children to hide objects in the sand.

Children use complex vocabulary, such as 'ammonite', to describe and compare the items They develop a positive attitude to learning and make good progress.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager and staff have high expectations for children. Staff use the curriculum to plan activities for children to gain particular skills, such as recognising sounds and learning number rhymes.

However, on occasions, small-group activities do not build on all children's next steps in learning. Some children are unable to participate fully and lose focus. This does not support all children to achieve as well as they could.

The nursery provides support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), and those who receive additional funding. The manager and SEND coordinator work with external agencies to support children who may be at risk of delayed development. They use any extra funding well to target children's specific needs and provide access to interesting activities, such as forest school.

This helps to close any gaps in children's learning.Staff have designed an environment for the under two's that offers many opportunities for sensory and physical play. Children use all their senses to explore resources with different appearances and textures.

They shake discovery bottles excitedly and smell herbs in pots. Staff support them to develop coordination and control in their movements. Children are inquisitive and walk, crawl and climb confidently.

Relationships between the staff and parents are strong. Parents are happy with the care and education their children receive. The nursery provides comprehensive information and specific resources to support children's learning at home, including potty training.

Staff have created cosy spaces for children to talk and learn. Children enjoy looking at books and sharing them with their friends. Overall, staff read to children in an effective way to teach new words and the structure of stories.

Children repeat words and phrases from familiar books and talk about the pictures they see.The nursery provides nutritious meals, including for children with specific dietary needs. Children have healthy drinks of milk and water.

Staff support them to blow their noses and clean their faces. Pre-school children take part in a daily walk. The nursery has introduced toothbrushing to improve children's oral health.

Children develop a very good understanding of healthy lifestyles.Staff teach children and their families about the importance of sustainability. They promote reusable nappies and provide bamboo toothbrushes.

Pre-school children talk about the consequences of dropping litter and use recycled water to look after the plants in the outdoor area. Children develop social responsibility for their community and the wider world.Manager and staff relationships are strong.

The manager is hands on and works alongside staff in the rooms. Staff feel that their well-being is very well supported. The manager works with the regional team to identify training needs and support the introduction of new initiatives.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager is highly vigilant about safeguarding procedures within the nursery and fully understands their responsibilities in protecting children from harm. The manager works with the staff team to ensure they keep children safe and secure.

Staff are regularly tested on their knowledge and confidently know how to recognise the signs that a child's welfare may be at risk, including from wider safeguarding issues. They know the actions to take to report and escalate any such concerns if needed.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nensure planned activities consistently build on children's next steps in learning to enable all children to make the best possible progress.

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