Tops Day Nurseries - Wimborne

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About Tops Day Nurseries - Wimborne

Name Tops Day Nurseries - Wimborne
Ofsted Inspections
Address Tops Day Nurseries, Leigh Road, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 2BX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Dorset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive happily and are greeted warmly by the friendly staff. They quickly engage with the activities and resources provided by staff to meet their interests. Children play cooperatively, sharing and taking turns.

For example, toddlers share forks, spoons and herbs as they make their own 'mud soup'. They follow the expectations of the setting and are kind and polite to each other. Older children swiftly line up when asked to do so, and children of all ages help to tidy away toys.

Children are independent. Babies identify their photos on their cups and self-select their drinks. Older children take off their own ...coats and hang them up on their pegs.

This helps build confidence and prepares children for school. Children solve problems independently and use language well. Older children say, 'I have an idea.

I will get more water. There is a leak!,' and they use the spout of a watering can to plug a hole in a water container.Children demonstrate motivation to learn.

For example, they find a spider and run to tell a member of staff who is on a 'bug hunt' with some other children. They all watch the spider closely with magnifying glasses and then decide to try to find some more. Children form close attachments with staff and other children and are happy, safe and secure.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is well planned and implemented. Staff provide activities tailored to children's interests and learning styles. This helps ensure children actively engage in their learning and that they make good progress.

Managers use additional funding with integrity to support children's care and learning. For example, they are developing the outdoor area further to support children who have limited access to the outdoors at home.Children enjoy a variety of activities that help to develop their fine motor skills and build their muscles for early writing.

For example, children make marks with pens, sprinkle herbs with their fingers and manipulate play dough with their hands.Children benefit from high-quality interactions with staff. This helps to develop children's vocabulary.

For example, staff working with babies use shape names and describe play dough as 'sticky' and 'fresh'.Children get plenty of fresh air and exercise. They explore the garden area confidently, and they ably ride tricycles, climb on tyres and balance on planks.

Children learn to be independent in their self-care. For example, they wipe their own noses, and older children attend to their own toileting. This helps build confidence and self-esteem.

Staff sing songs and share rhymes and books with children to develop their communication and language skills. For example, older children learn the initial sounds in their names.Staff receive effective training, support and coaching from leaders and managers to ensure they can fulfil their roles and responsibilities well.

Thorough recruitment and induction processes are in place and staff receive additional support when moving into new roles.The special educational needs and/or disabilities coordinator works closely with parents, staff and external agencies to meet the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Detailed individual education plans are in place to provide targeted support, to ensure children make the best possible progress.

Children behave well and staff manage minor disagreements effectively. However, staff do not always explain the consequences of children's actions for themselves and other children. For example, they ask children not to climb on the table but do not explain why.

Subsequently, children repeat the behaviour.The setting is generally clean and hygienic, including the nappy changing and sleep areas. However, at snack times, younger children are not encouraged to wash their hands and they use sanitiser gel instead.

Children help to clean the table, but staff do not check that it is completely clean before serving food. This means children's good health is not promoted consistently.Parents report that they are very happy with the care their children receive.

They describe staff as 'incredible' and 'friendly'. Parents say they feel well informed about their children's progress and that their children enjoy their time at the nursery.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a strong understanding of the signs that might indicate that a child is at risk of abuse. Reporting procedures are robust and the designated safeguarding lead works closely with external agencies to help keep children safe from harm. Managers follow safer recruitment procedures to ensure staff are suitable to work with children.

Risk assessment processes are effective and the setting is safe and secure. Detailed records are in place for children with allergies and/or additional health needs to ensure that staff follow appropriate procedures should there be an emergency.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support children to learn the consequences of their actions for themselves and others, to further promote their social and emotional development nensure that good hygiene procedures are followed consistently in the baby room at snack times to promote children's good health.

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