Tops Day Nursery

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About Tops Day Nursery

Name Tops Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 14 Denmark Lane, Poole, Dorset, BH15 2DG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bournemouth,ChristchurchandPoole
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and confident in this warm and friendly setting.

They settle quickly when they arrive and are keen to explore the motivating and stimulating activities staff provide for them. Children form good relationships with staff. They approach staff for comfort and reassurance or to engage staff in their play.

This helps children feel safe and secure. Staff use children's interests to encourage children to engage in meaningful learning experiences that help them achieve the next steps in their development. Children enjoy the exciting opportunities staff plan for them and are eager to learn.

For examp...le, older children laugh as they join in with turn-taking games and excitedly explore melting multicoloured ice cubes. Younger children make 'birthday cakes' with dough and blow out pretend candles. This enthusiasm for learning supports all children to make good progress in all areas of their learning and development.

Staff use assessment effectively to identify when children may be in need of additional support. They work closely with parents and other professionals to address any gaps in children's learning. Provision for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is carefully planned, and children's progress is regularly monitored.

Parents are incredibly supportive of the setting. They talk positively about the care and support staff give to children. Parents appreciate the regular updates they receive about their children's learning.

They discuss the benefits of the range of healthy meals the setting provides.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The setting is well resourced, both indoors and outdoors. Children have independent access to resources that enhance their physical development.

For example, older children confidently use a range of equipment, including a climbing wall, ride-on toys and real pots and pans in the role-play area. Babies and toddlers have ample space to move freely. The thoughtfully organised environment supports their crawling, walking and climbing.

Staff give children choices throughout the day. For example, they ask children what fruit they would like at snack time and what songs they would like to sing. Older children take part in 'council meetings' where they help to choose new toys and decide what they would like in the role play.

This helps children to have ownership over their own learning. However, quieter children and nonverbal children do not always have opportunities to express their views or likes and dislikes.Staff's interactions with children in all rooms are extremely positive.

Children respond with smiles when staff say 'good job'. This helps to develop children's confidence and willingness to learn new skills and to try new experiences.Children are confident communicators.

Staff skilfully use stories, nursery rhymes and songs to support children's language and to extend their vocabulary. Staff expertly engage in back-and-forth interactions with children and give children time and opportunities to think and talk. Staff carefully select books to add to the various activities.

For example, the home corner contains recipe books and books about families. This encourages a love of books and expands children's knowledge.Staff focus on encouraging children to be independent.

Children serve themselves at lunchtime using real plates and glasses. Children are supported to pour their own water from drinking stations in all rooms. Staff support toddlers to wipe their own faces, and older children do this independently, using mirrors as aids.

This promotes children's self-esteem and prepares them for school. However, staff do not always encourage older children to manage all aspects of their personal hygiene, such as wiping their own noses to help prevent the spread of illness.The curriculum is coherently planned and builds on what children know and what they can do.

The manager has a clear vision and high expectations of what she wants children to learn. Staff embed daily routines, and children's behaviour is excellent throughout the nursery.Staff provide many opportunities for children to learn about their own environment and the wider world.

Children experience visits from local police officers, the dentist and firefighters. They regularly go on walks and outings to the park. The setting uses many natural or recycled resources to help teach children about environmental issues and sustainability.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Clear staff recruitment and induction procedures are in place, and staff receive regular safeguarding training. Staff have a good knowledge and understanding of how to safeguard children.

They know the procedures to follow should they have any concerns about children's well-being. Staff follow thorough risk assessments to maintain safe indoor and outdoor environments. Staff know what to do in the event of an accident, and they know the processes for safely administering medication.

Children are supported to learn about personal safety. They know how to use real plates, glasses and cutlery in a safe manner.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: provide more opportunities for all children to be included in sharing their views and expressing their likes and dislikes nencourage older children to manage all aspects of their own personal hygiene more consistently.

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