Trinity Treetots Nursery

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About Trinity Treetots Nursery

Name Trinity Treetots Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Trinity Primary School, Barricombe Drive, HEREFORD, HR4 0NU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Herefordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children flourish at this outstanding nursery.

Staff's focus is on children's well-being and all decisions are made with children's best interests in mind. Children arrive happy and separate from their parents with ease. They are excited to see their friends and eager to begin their play.

Children have excellent relationships with the very kind and caring staff. They demonstrate an exceptionally strong sense of belonging and are quick to invite others to join their play. Children's behaviour is impeccable.

Staff are superb role models for children. They treat them with the utmost respect, and this is re...flected in how children treat each other. Children have fun and are eager to explore all areas of the exceptionally clean, well-organised and well-resourced environment.

They display high levels of independence and confidence. Children manage their personal care and display an excellent understanding of the importance of good health and hygiene. Children diligently wash and dry their hands at regular intervals throughout the day.

They have very good table manners. Children sit with their friends to eat healthy and nutritious packed lunches. They learn the importance of good oral health.

Children know why they need to brush their teeth twice daily. Children tell staff that they do not want cavities in their teeth.Children lead their own learning.

They develop strong imaginative skills. Children excitedly pretend to be pirates. They work together to look for buried treasure in the sandpit.

Staff are quick to enhance their play experience and provide them with treasure maps. Children are fascinated by the map and refer to this as they continue to search for their treasure. Children listen attentively to stories read by the enthusiastic staff.

Staff use animated voices and props to fully support children's engagement. Children know all of the words to the songs and rhymes they sing. They dance and wriggle their bodies as they sing loudly and proudly.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The dedicated provider is also the manager of this extremely warm and welcoming nursery. She, along with her experienced staff team, provides children with a rich learning environment. They plan an ambitious curriculum for all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities and children who speak English as an additional language.

An exceptional range of stimulating and challenging learning experiences allows children to consistently build on and extend their knowledge and skills. Staff regularly meet with other professionals to share information and plan for children's learning and development. As a result, all children make very rapid progress.

The manager is highly proactive in maintaining and enhancing staff's knowledge and skills. She meets regularly with them to identify training needs, which are precisely targeted around their individual needs and interests. The manager gives staff's well-being the utmost priority.

Staff report that they feel extremely well supported both in their professional life and personally.The staff constantly reflect on what they do well and the areas they would like to enhance at this already outstanding nursery. The manager speaks to the staff on a daily basis to seek their views and identify areas for development.

For example, staff recently suggested that they seek training to refresh their already excellent knowledge to gain new ideas for the delivery of mathematics in the curriculum.Staff are highly skilled in supporting children to develop outstanding communication and language skills. Children confidently talk to staff and their friends throughout the day about their chosen play.

They recall stories staff recently read to them as they play alongside their friends. Children focus and display high levels of concentration. They carefully place picture cards in the precise order to retell a story about a tiger.

Older children engage in daily activities which help them to learn to link letters and sounds. They proudly write the letters of their name. Younger children develop strength in their arms in readiness for early writing.

They enthusiastically use big strokes with their arms to paint a board with water.Children develop extremely good physical skills and benefit from lots of fresh air and exercise. Staff teach them about the world around them.

For example, they regularly take children to visit the park and the conservation area. Children have fun as they run with their friends and climb on big apparatus. They are beginning to learn how to keep themselves safe.

Staff gently remind them of the rules, such as holding hands when crossing the road. They support children to further develop their social skills. Children confidently engage with members of the community when they have lunch at the local cafe.

The manager and staff have exemplary relationships with parents. They meet with them on a regular basis to share information about children's development. Staff provide parents with lots of ideas to continue children's learning at home.

For example, to support children's love of reading, the nursery developed a lending library to enable children to take books home to read. Parents speak extremely positively about the nursery. They comment on the wonderful staff and how happy their children are to attend.

Parents state there is nothing that they would change.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider and the staff team attend regular training to keep their safeguarding practice up to date.

They demonstrate an excellent awareness of the signs that may indicate a child is at risk of harm. The provider and staff fully understand the procedures to follow should they have any concerns about a child in their care. Staff carry out daily safety checks on all areas of the nursery to ensure that children play in a safe and secure environment.

Children are very well supervised throughout the day. The provider follows highly effective recruitment procedures.This helps to ensure that staff are suitable for their role.

Also at this postcode
G.E.M Hereford Trinity Primary School

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