Twinkle Totz Day Nursery Ltd at Islip Manor Children’s Centre

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About Twinkle Totz Day Nursery Ltd at Islip Manor Children’s Centre

Name Twinkle Totz Day Nursery Ltd at Islip Manor Children’s Centre
Ofsted Inspections
Address Islip Manor Childrens Centre, Eastcote Lane, NORTHOLT, Middlesex, UB5 5RG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children thrive at this nursery. They enjoy taking part in a wide range of interesting and engaging activities throughout the day.

For example, children dance the 'hokey cokey' and observe leaves in the garden area. They enjoy painting using a variety of tools and listen with pleasure to stories. Children enjoy doing the actions to songs during circle time sessions, showing that they know these songs well.

These clear routines help children to feel secure at the nursery and know what to expect during the day. Children have formed warm relationships with staff. They approach staff for comfort or reassurance when necessa...ry.

Children encounter many experiences that help them to understand the lives of different people. For instance, during Black History Month, the author of the 'Rastamouse' books came to speak to the children. Children learned about the key message of the books.

For example, to respect everybody however different they are from themselves. Children understand the clear expectations staff have for their behaviour. They praise children when they show the expected behaviours.

Children respond to this praise proudly with big smiles.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff work very hard to support the individual needs of every child. A particular strength of the nursery is the way that staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Leaders work very well with external professionals to ensure every child receives the support they need. Every child makes progress on their individual learning journey.Staff give children the knowledge they need to support a healthy start to life.

They learn about healthy eating by designing a healthy balanced meal and exploring and drawing different fruits and vegetables. Staff discuss with children how exercise makes them feel and the reasons it is important. Children enjoy watching puppet shows in which they learn how to look after their teeth and wash their hands.

Staff support children to become independent and carry out responsibilities themselves. Babies recognise and select their own water bottles and coats. Children serve themselves food and drink at mealtimes.

They pass dishes around the table to each other. They learn to take turns and show consideration for each other as they share.Children develop their physical skills well.

They ride bicycles and jump and climb over soft blocks in the garden, having fun as they play. Staff have not considered the physical development needs of younger babies, who cannot yet sit up or move independently within the garden area. Staff often carry these babies around, so they do not have the opportunity to develop physically while in the garden.

Staff plan many activities to support children to strengthen the small muscles in their hands. Children focus well on making marks, picking up small objects and connecting small parts during various activities. They squeeze pegs together as they pick up gloves and make them into a pair.

Staff take every opportunity for children to develop their early mathematics skills. The pre-schoolers develop a good understanding of numbers to 10. They count the steps when they play 'What's the time Mr Wolf', or carefully count how many children are around the table at lunchtime.

At times children wait too long at transition times. For example, babies sit at the table waiting for their snack for too long. Some children become restless during these times.

Leaders worked extremely hard to support families during the COVID-19 pandemic. They provided regular communication and activity ideas for families. Leaders also supported the well-being of families by helping them to access support within the local community, where necessary.

This helped to ensure that children were safe and secure during this time.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have good knowledge of what to do if they have concerns about a child's well-being.

They attend regular training to make sure their safeguarding knowledge is up to date. Important safeguarding information is clearly displayed in the nursery for staff to access. Staff know what to do if they have a concern about behaviour or actions of another member of staff.

Leaders have a good understanding of safeguarding procedures and know where to go for further support if necessary. Leaders use effective procedures to recruit staff and to ensure their ongoing suitability.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: consider transition times throughout the day to ensure there is not excessive waiting time for children review the time younger babies spend in the garden area to ensure that they develop their physical skills during this time.

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