Clitheroe Brookside Primary School

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About Clitheroe Brookside Primary School

Name Clitheroe Brookside Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Beverley Allan
Address Bright Street, Clitheroe, BB7 1NW
Phone Number 01200425564
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 159
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy attending Clitheroe Brookside School.

They said that they feel safe and happy at school. Pupils know that staff care about them. Children in early years enjoy learning with their friends.

They flourish in the exciting learning environment that leaders have created.

Pupils strive to live up to the high expectations that leaders and staff have of them academically, socially and emotionally. Pupils endeavour to demonstrate the school's values, such as tolerance and empathy for others.

Older pupils contribute to the life of the school as members of committees, as well-being warriors and as reading buddies for younger pupils. Most pupils work... hard in lessons and achieve well in a range of subjects. Pupils behave well.

They are confident that any bullying would be dealt with quickly by staff should it occur.

Pupils' learning is enhanced though a wide range of opportunities beyond the academic curriculum, such as fieldwork in the local area. They enjoy the many clubs that they can be part of, including those for choir, drama and sports.

Pupils are looking forward to the return of residential trips and visits to the theatre following the easing of the COVID-19 restrictions. They learn about other faiths and cultures. This helps to prepare them well for life in modern Britain.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed a well-thought-out curriculum that ignites pupils' curiosity about the world around them. The curriculum meets the needs of all children from early years to Year 6.

Subject leaders manage their areas of responsibility well.

They have identified the essential knowledge and the key vocabulary that they want pupils to know and remember. Subject content is carefully ordered so that pupils build on their prior learning effectively.

Leaders routinely check that the planned curriculum is being delivered effectively.

Staff access regular training to keep their subject-specific knowledge fresh and up to date. They work together effectively with other colleagues, including colleagues from other schools, to share ideas and expertise.

Staff are skilled in identifying pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Through carefully planned support, pupils with SEND access all aspects of the curriculum and everything that the school has to offer.

Teachers use assessment information effectively. They frequently check what pupils know and can do.

This helps them to quickly identify any misunderstandings that pupils may have. Most pupils achieve well. However, in some subjects, other than English and mathematics, some pupils have not remembered aspects of their earlier learning.

This is particularly the case when they were learning remotely during the COVID-19 restrictions. Since returning to school, they have not had enough opportunity to revisit their prior learning to make sure that it is secure. This hampers them when they learn something new.

Pupils benefit from the different opportunities that leaders provide. Artefacts enhance pupils' work in history. Fieldwork in the local area helps pupils to understand human geographical features at first hand.

From early years, the development of children's vocabulary and communication skills is promoted consistently well by skilled staff. Younger pupils are encouraged to explain their thoughts and ideas clearly. Older pupils use their extensive vocabulary knowledge skilfully during discussions and debates.

A love of reading is fostered across the school. This is supported by the carefully selected books available in the school library and around the school. Teachers read to pupils frequently, selecting books from a range of authors and subjects.

Older pupils talked enthusiastically about the books that they have read.

Children in early years enjoy listening to familiar stories, songs and rhymes. From the start of the Reception class, the books that children read match the sounds that they know.

They practise their phonics knowledge across a range of activities. In key stage 1, pupils use their phonics knowledge well to read unfamiliar words. This helps them to become confident, fluent readers.

Pupils who struggle with reading benefit from the extra support that they receive from trained staff. This includes pupils at the early stages of reading in key stage 2.

Pupils are polite and well mannered.

They conduct themselves well around school. Leaders have created a positive culture where pupils thrive. Pupils work hard in a calm and focused learning environment.

They are proud of their achievements.

Pupils demonstrate respect and tolerance for the views and opinions of others. They can explain why British values are important and why everyone has the right to live as they choose within the law of the land.

Through fundraising events, pupils can contribute to the lives of others in the local community.

Governors are proud to be part of the school. They use their knowledge and expertise effectively to hold leaders to account for all aspects of school life.

Staff feel well supported by leaders. They appreciate the way leaders are mindful of their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe in a variety of situations, including when out in the community and when using social media. Pupils know what makes a good friend and what to do if they have any worries or concerns. Leaders provide guidance for parents and carers so that they know how to keep their children safe when they are using the internet at home.

Staff know pupils well. Staff quickly identify any subtle changes in pupils' demeanour. Training ensures that staff understand the procedures that they need to follow should they have any concerns about pupils' welfare.

Leaders work effectively with other agencies and charities when required. This enables them to provide additional support for pupils and families facing challenging circumstances.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In subjects other than mathematics and English, some pupils struggle to recall some of the knowledge that they were taught during the periods when the school was closed to most pupils.

This is because teachers are not providing enough opportunities for pupils to revisit their prior learning. This hampers pupils when learning something new. Leaders should ensure that pupils are ready for the next stage of their learning.

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