Hillside Infant School

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About Hillside Infant School

Name Hillside Infant School
Website http://www.hillsideinfant.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Rebecca Fennell
Address Northwood Way, Northwood, HA6 1RX
Phone Number 02082496860
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 223
Local Authority Hillingdon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The headteacher is an effective and ambitious leader. The new leadership team is strong and highly committed and has worked relentlessly to bring about rapid improvements. Governors know the school well, including how well pupils are performing.

They work effectively with senior leaders to ensure that the school continues to improve. Outcomes for pupils are good and improving. In 2017, key stage 1 results in reading, writing and mathematics were in line with or above the national average.

The results of the Year 1 phonics screening check were well above the national average. The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is good and con...tinues to improve. Consequently, pupils make good progress.

Leaders have improved the tracking system to check pupils' progress. Teachers use this information well to plan teaching and learning. Disadvantaged pupils and those who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities are supported well.

Consequently, both groups of pupils make good progress. Pupils are very courteous and respectful to each other and adults. Their behaviour, conduct around the school and attitudes to learning are excellent.

Their personal development and welfare are exceptional. Children in early years benefit from strong teaching and make good progress. They are prepared well for Year 1.

Pupils enjoy their learning, are proud of their school and they feel safe. Consequently, their attendance is good. The curriculum is broad, balanced and engaging.

It promotes British values effectively and prepares pupils well for life in modern Britain. Leaders ensure that pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is promoted well. The skills of some subject leaders are not fully developed in checking and improving the quality of teaching and learning.

Sometimes, the most able pupils are not sufficiently challenged to help them make the progress of which they are capable. Teachers' expectations of pupils' presentation of their work, including handwriting and spelling, are not consistently high in English. The attainment of boys and disadvantaged children at the end of Reception Year is not yet in line with national expectations.

Occasionally, the most able children are not sufficiently challenged.

Information about this school

The school is an average-sized infant school. The school is a two-form entry school, expanding to three-form entry.

An expansion to three-form entry commenced in September 2016. The planned expansion of the building is due for completion by 2019. The school is located on a shared site with the junior school and uses many of the same services and facilities.

The school runs a breakfast club and an after-school club on the premises. The proportion of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is below average. The proportion of pupils with an education, health and care plan is broadly average.

The proportion of pupils for whom the school receives pupil premium funding is below average. The proportions of pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds and those pupils who speak English as an additional language are well above the national average. The largest groups in school are from 'Other White' backgrounds.

The main communities represented within this group are those from Portuguese and Eastern European backgrounds. The school has two classes in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. The school offers part-time and some full-time Nursery provision for children from the age of three.

The current headteacher was appointed in September 2016. A new senior leadership structure, consisting of the headteacher and three assistant headteachers, was put in place in September 2017. Some subject leaders are new to their posts.

Also at this postcode
Hillside Junior School

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