Holt Community Primary School

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About Holt Community Primary School

Name Holt Community Primary School
Address Chapel Street, Holt, LL13 9DJ
Phone Number 01829 270021
Phase Nursery, Infants & Juniors
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 58 (53.4% boys 46.6% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 15.8
Local Authority Wrexham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Holt Community Primary School is a happy and inclusive community that places a high priority on the well-being of its pupils. Staff work together effectively to identify the needs of all individuals within the school.

As a result, pupils take pride in having robust relationships to discuss any concerns in a safe environment. Most pupils make good progress from their starting points. On the whole, they make sound progress in developing their English skills.

With the support of staff, they are beginning to use simple sentences to speak Welsh in formal situations. Pupils contribute well to a variety of groups and committees and enjoy sharing ideas on what they would like to see when developing the school. All staff members ha...ve high expectations of pupils and challenge them y to consistently produce work of a good standard.

The school provides a broad and balanced curriculum that is adapted continuously while preparing and planning for the Curriculum for Wales. It ensures suitable opportunities for pupils to apply their literacy and ICT skills in a range of real-life contexts. However, there are limited opportunities for pupils to develop their numeracy skills across the curriculum.

There is a strong working relationship between staff and assistants, and they facilitate learning successfully. The headteacher and leaders share a clear vision to provide a complete education based on supporting pupils' well-being and resilience. They concentrate well on ensuring that all staff feel that they are part of the school team.

This ensures that everyone, including governors, understand the school's priorities and work together supportively. However, the school's self-evaluation and planning for improvement arrangements are not robust enough to identify its strengths and areas for improvement. Recommendations R1 Sharpen self-evaluation processes to ensure that action plans focus on specific areas for improvement R2 Plan purposeful opportunities for pupils to develop their numeracy skills across the curriculum What happens next The school will draw up an action plan to address the recommendations from the inspection.

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