Llwynypia Primary School

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About Llwynypia Primary School

Name Llwynypia Primary School
Address School Terrace, Llwynypia, Tonypandy, CF40 2HL
Phone Number 01443 432354
Phase Nursery, Infants & Juniors
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 218 (49.1% boys 50.9% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 30.8
Local Authority Rhondda Cynon Taf
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Llwynypia Primary School is a happy, inclusive school that places a high priority on the well-being of its pupils. Nearly all pupils feel safe in school and know who to go to if they are worried. Many pupils show good levels of interest in their lessons and enjoy the opportunities they have to improve their school as part of a range of pupil voice groups.

There is a strong emphasis on community, and families greatly appreciate the role the school plays in their lives. There is a high level of care and respect amongst pupils, staff and governors, and this has a very positive influence on pupils' attitudes and behaviours. Most pupils, including those with additional learning needs (ALN) and those eligible for free school meals, make ...good progress in their literacy and numeracy skills, and the school's provision for developing these core skills is a strength.

Teachers provide a range of learning experiences that engage pupils' interest and make good use of the local community. Staff deliver suitable lessons that build progressively on what pupils know. However, opportunities for pupils to apply their literacy, numeracy and digital skills across all areas of the curriculum are underdeveloped.

As a result, many older pupils lack confidence in the application of their skills in real-life situations. Staff have strong relationships with pupils. They use positive encouragement, and they praise pupils for their achievements.

In a few cases, staff provide worthwhile feedback to pupils. However, overall, the feedback to pupils does not support them to identify their next steps and improve their independent learning skills well enough. Leaders provide appropriate strategic direction for the school's work and are beginning to address national priorities such as curriculum reform suitably.

Leaders provide opportunities for staff to collaborate well together to contribute to improvement work, and they undertake suitable monitoring activities. However, school improvement planning lacks precision. Leaders generally try to address too many priorities at the same time and do not always provide clarity for staff about what they expect to see in their improvement actions.

Governors play a very supportive role in the development of the school and help to ensure that it meets the many needs of its community well. Despite the staff's efforts to encourage all pupils to attend school regularly, the rates of attendance remain too low. Recommendations R1 Provide opportunities for pupils to apply their literacy, numeracy and digital skills systematically across the curriculum R2 Develop the curriculum to provide purposeful and authentic learning experiences that allow pupils to develop their independence and confidence, particularly in Years 3-6 R3 Ensure that feedback provides pupils with a clear understanding of what they need to do to improve R4 Continue to improve pupils' attendance What happens next The school will draw up an action plan to address the recommendations from the inspection.

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