Minera Aided Primary School

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About Minera Aided Primary School

Name Minera Aided Primary School
Address Minera Hall Road, Minera, Wrexham, LL11 3YE
Phone Number 01978 269500
Phase Nursery, Infants & Juniors
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 107 (57.9% boys 42.1% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 19.3
Local Authority Wrexham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Most pupils start Minera Primary School with weak literacy and numeracy skills. From these starting points and over time they do not make sufficient progress in the development of these skills, particularly in the development of writing. Nearly all pupils behave well, and most younger pupils engage enthusiastically in the outdoor learning environment where they begin to learn through exploration.

The school has begun to develop its curriculum in line with Curriculum for Wales based around a range of themes. Teachers are starting to enhance learning suitably through a range of trips and visits. However, provision for the progressive development of key skills such as literacy and numeracy is underdeveloped.

As a result, the ...majority of pupils do not progress as well as they should in these areas. Teachers and support staff prioritise pupils' well-being and forge positive relationships with them. This supports pupils to feel safe and to be considerate and respectful to others.

However, teaching does not consistently meet the needs of all pupils well enough. Too often, teachers' expectations of what pupils can achieve are too low and the pace of learning is too slow. Teachers rely heavily on standardised test data and do not use day-to-day assessment well enough to ensure that all pupils make the progress they are capable of making.

The school is inclusive and provision for pupils with additional learning needs (ALN) is appropriate. As a result, most pupils with ALN make suitable progress against their individual targets. Leaders and teachers promote a strong safeguarding culture, and they develop pupils' spiritual, moral and social skills well.

Whilst the school promotes the benefits of healthy eating appropriately, a minority of pupils eat unhealthy snacks at breaktimes. Following a period of staffing change and uncertainty leaders have put in place a new leadership structure. These roles are at an early stage of development.

Leaders have begun to work with staff to address a few improvement priorities including reading and ALN. However, generally, leaders have not monitored the school's work carefully enough. As a result, they do not identify important aspects of the school's provision and teaching that require improvement.

Recommendations R1 Improve leadership at all levels ensuring that self-evaluation and school improvement actions focus on identifying and addressing the key improvements in teaching and learning R2 Improve the quality of teaching and assessment to ensure that pupils make appropriate progress, particularly in writing R3 Improve the curriculum and provision for the progressive development of pupils' skills What happens next In accordance with the Education Act 2005, HMCI is of the opinion that special measures are required in relation to this school. The school will draw up an action plan to show how it is going to address the recommendations. Estyn will monitor the school's progress usually every four to six months.

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