Moorfield Primary School

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About Moorfield Primary School

Name Moorfield Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Kathryn Heyes
Address School Way, Moorfield Road, Widnes, WA8 3HJ
Phone Number 01514243108
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 278
Local Authority Halton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud of their school motto: 'vibrant, loving, proud'. They say that this is how their school helps them to feel.

Pupils know that their welfare and learning are important to the headteacher and staff. This helps pupils to feel safe, secure and happy.

Teachers expect all pupils to try their best.

The corridors are alive with their work, such as models, pictures and writing. Pupils are proud of this work and enjoy showing it to parents and to visitors. Pupils develop personally through activities such as sports, choir and residential stays.

Pupils' behaviour is generally good. They understand the rules and usually follow them very well. Pup...ils say that, although there are sometimes disagreements, bullying is rare.

If it did happen, pupils know that their teachers would step in and put a stop to it.

Attendance is good. Most pupils attend very regularly.

They strive for the special rewards for pupils who come to school every single day. There are a few pupils who are absent too often. These pupils are missing important learning.

Leaders are striving to improve the attendance of these pupils, but there is still some work to do.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Children make a strong start to their education in the early years. They benefit from a carefully planned curriculum that helps them to learn well.

Teachers listen to what parents and carers say about their children. This helps them to plan better for children's needs. Staff help children to learn successfully and they are well prepared for Year 1 when the time comes.

School leaders have made important improvements to the school since the last inspection. More pupils now reach at least the standards they need to in reading, writing and mathematics by the end of Year 6. This means that pupils are now better prepared for secondary school.

The school's curriculum enables pupils to learn well across a wide range of subjects and in exciting ways. For example, in English, some pupils wrote about the story, 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe'. They then used different techniques to make sculptures of the story characters.

They showed their work for parents to see. The school's revised curriculum in history and geography is newer than in other subjects. It is too early to see how well pupils are learning as a result.

Pupils at Moorfield enjoy reading. Daily phonics lessons begin as soon as children start in the Reception class. These lessons teach them about letters and sounds.

Children quickly become confident enough to read the words in their reading books. Older pupils read with fluency and enjoyment. They talk about their favourite authors, such as Roald Dahl and David Walliams.

Pupils learn to read and spell a wide range of words. These good skills are reflected in their writing.

Pupils develop strong mathematical skills.

They enjoy the challenges that their teachers provide and take pride in their work. Sometimes they even cheer when the class 'gets it right'!

Teachers make sure that pupils' learning is secure, before they introduce new work. This helps pupils to build up their skills and knowledge over time.

Teachers use their assessments to check if any pupils are falling behind. They provide extra help if pupils need to catch up.

Most pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make progress.

Younger children and pupils with SEND are usually identified quickly. This ensures that they receive the support they need. However, some older pupils have not received timely support in the past.

This means that they have not been able to move forward strongly in their learning.

Leaders make sure pupils learn about the diversity of the world around them. Pupils learn about other faiths and cultures.

They know that people and families can be different. Pupils learn about fundamental British values such as respect, the rule of law and democracy. Even children in the Reception class vote for their daily story!

Pupils usually listen attentively in class and get on with their work.

When pupils work together on tasks, they do it sensibly. Consequently, classrooms are orderly places, as is the rest of the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders make appropriate checks on staff, in line with legislation. All staff, including those new to the school, have regular training about protecting pupils from harm. This enables them to report in the right way any concerns they may have about pupils' welfare.

Leaders and teachers make sure that pupils know how to keep themselves safe, including when online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Leaders have successfully planned a curriculum that meets the requirements of the national curriculum for each year group in each subject. Their work on implementing the curriculum in geography and history is more recent.

Leaders should ensure that the school's new curriculum in these remaining areas of learning is now fully introduced, drawing on teachers' effective practice in other subjects.

The needs of younger children and pupils with SEND are usually identified quickly. They get the support they need as a result.

However, this has not always been the case. Some older pupils have not received the support they have needed quickly enough. This has prevented them from reaching their full potential.

Leaders now need to ensure that there is consistency in the timeliness of support and the effectiveness of help for all pupils with SEND. . Leaders have worked effectively with parents to ensure that most pupils attend school regularly.

This work has improved the attendance of some pupils whose absences were causing concern. There are still a few pupils who are missing important learning as a result of their persistent absences. Leaders now need to build on their recent successes to ensure that all pupils attend school regularly.

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