Oasis Academy Oldham

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About Oasis Academy Oldham

Name Oasis Academy Oldham
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Co Headteacher Gemma Blackwood
Address Hollins Road, Oldham, OL8 4JZ
Phone Number 01616249630
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1474
Local Authority Oldham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Many pupils enjoy coming to school.

They told inspectors that they feel safe. Most pupils get along well with each other and show respect for staff. Pupils said that there is always someone to talk to if they need help.

They told inspectors that some bullying still happens occasionally. However, most pupils are confident that staff will deal with any bullying incidents quickly and effectively.

Leaders place a strong emphasis on promoting pupils' development.

Pupils take part in a wide range of clubs, including table tennis and cookery. They enjoy representing the school in sports competitions. Pupils are keen to take on positions of responsibility, s...uch as school prefects and equality and diversity ambassadors.

Leaders have raised their expectations of pupils' behaviour since the previous inspection. Most pupils respond positively to teachers' instructions in lessons. However, there are still times when lessons are disrupted.

This makes it difficult for pupils to learn. A small minority of older pupils have struggled to adapt to the new behaviour policy.

Leaders have introduced many changes that are beginning to have a positive impact on the quality of education that pupils receive.

Despite these improvements, pupils do not achieve as well as they should. Some weaknesses remain in how well the curriculum is designed and delivered. Added to this, there has been some turbulence in the leadership of the school and the staffing arrangements.

This has slowed down the pace of improvement.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Together with staff, and with the support of the trust, leaders are taking positive steps to improve the school. Leaders have recently overhauled the curriculum to ensure that it is suitably ambitious for pupils.

Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), now study a broader range of subjects than they did in the past.

Staffing has now stabilised, but this does mean that many subject leaders are new to their roles. Trust representatives are providing training and support to help subject leaders to develop their subject curriculums further.

In some subjects, leaders are clear about the knowledge that they want pupils to learn. In these subjects, teachers use their expertise well to design learning that helps pupils to build securely on what they already know. This deepens their understanding over time so that they achieve well.

In some other subjects, there is a lack of clarity about what pupils should learn. This means that teachers are unsure about the essential knowledge that pupils need to know. This hinders teachers when designing learning and it prevents pupils from progressing as well as they should through the curriculum.

Some teachers do not use assessment strategies sufficiently well to check pupils' understanding of their previous learning or to identify any misconceptions. As a result, some teachers move pupils on to new learning without making sure that pupils' prior knowledge is secure. This hinders pupils' progress.

It leads to gaps in pupils' understanding and makes it difficult for them to build their knowledge over time.

Leaders ensure that the needs of pupils with SEND are identified quickly. Leaders provide teachers with appropriate information about this group of pupils.

However, some teachers do not use this information well enough to adapt learning. Consequently, some pupils with SEND do not achieve as well as they should.

Reading is promoted well by leaders.

Pupils have opportunities to develop their reading knowledge and comprehension skills across the curriculum. Leaders have identified those pupils who are in the early stages of learning to read. These pupils benefit from additional support from well-trained adults.

This is helping these pupils to build their confidence and fluency in reading.

Leaders have improved the systems for managing pupils' behaviour. This is helping to make classrooms calm environments where pupils can learn.

Most pupils have positive attitudes to learning and they behave well. However, some lessons continue to be disrupted by poor behaviour. This means that some pupils struggle to get on with their learning.

Leaders have introduced a range of strategies to improve pupils' attendance. This is leading to improvements for individual pupils. Leaders work closely with families, providing appropriate support for those pupils who are reluctant to attend school as often as they should.

Leaders have improved pupils' awareness of the importance of respecting and appreciating difference. Through the curriculum, visiting speakers and new initiatives, such as the LGBTQ club, pupils learn to celebrate diversity. Leaders and teachers challenge any inappropriate comments made by pupils.

Pupils reported that the use of discriminatory language has reduced significantly.

Pupils learn about democracy and the rule of law. Leaders ensure that pupils know how to keep themselves physically and mentally healthy.

Pupils receive impartial careers advice. They undertake relevant work experience which helps to raise their aspirations. Almost all pupils move on to further education, employment or training.

Staff are proud to work at the school. They feel that leaders are approachable and considerate of their workload and well-being. Staff value the training opportunities that they receive to develop their subject knowledge.

Members of the trust board challenge and support leaders effectively to improve the quality of education.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong culture of vigilance at the school.

Staff receive regular safeguarding training from the trust. They know what to look out for that may indicate a pupil is at risk of harm.

Leaders follow up any concerns quickly with external agencies, including the police and the local authority, to protect vulnerable pupils.

Leaders make sure that those pupils who attend alternative provision attend regularly, are safe and follow an appropriate curriculum.

Leaders ensure that pupils learn about risks to their safety, such as peer-on-peer abuse and the dangers of drug and knife crime.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, leaders have not thought carefully enough about the knowledge that they want pupils to learn.

This means that teachers do not have the information that they need about what should be taught. Subject leaders should ensure that they finalise their curriculum thinking so that teachers are clear about what they should be teaching and when this should take place. ? In some subjects, teachers do not use assessment strategies well enough to check on pupils' understanding of earlier content.

This means that they move on to new topics without knowing if pupils' prior learning is secure. This causes gaps to appear, which halt pupils' progress through the curriculum. Leaders should ensure that teachers are well equipped to use assessment strategies that identify pupils' misconceptions so that pupils have a strong foundation of knowledge on which to build.

• Some pupils with SEND are not supported well enough by staff. This means that these pupils are unable to progress through the curriculum as well as they should. Leaders should ensure that teachers use the information about pupils with SEND to adapt how they deliver curriculum content.

• During lessons, some pupils do not follow teachers' instructions or behave as well as they should. This hinders pupils' learning. Leaders should ensure that staff implement the school's behaviour policy more consistently so that pupils can learn the curriculum without disruption.

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