Old Hall Drive Academy

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About Old Hall Drive Academy

Name Old Hall Drive Academy
Website http://www.oldhalldrive.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Hayley Brooker
Address Old Hall Drive, Gorton, Manchester, M18 7FU
Phone Number 01612232805
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 471
Local Authority Manchester
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Strong leadership by the executive principal and principal has provided a clear direction and driven improvement.

Determined actions by leaders mean that almost all pupils are now making good progress across a range of subjects. Teachers occasionally do not give work that challenges pupils sufficiently. The proportions of pupils attaining the higher standards and greater depth in English and mathematics are not high enough.

The curriculum contributes to both the pupils' personal development and the good and improving progress that they make. Governors have a wide range of skills. They are supportive of the school and contribute to its con...tinuous improvement.

Leaders receive effective and consistent support from the trust. This has provided stability and enabled them to make the improvements necessary to raise the quality of teaching and learning. The progress of disadvantaged pupils is improving.

These pupils 'grow' personally, socially and academically because of the effectiveness of the support offered by the school. Subject leaders who are relatively new to their roles and the early years leader have not had the time to monitor the improvements to the curriculum or their impact on progress and attainment. Pupils generally demonstrate positive attitudes to their learning.

Strong relationships between teachers and pupils contribute to pupils' growing confidence and the quality of learning. Children in the early years make good progress. Increasing numbers of children are attaining a good level of development, but this is still below national averages.

Leaders have used professional development and training opportunities within the school and in partnership with other schools in the trust to improve the quality of teaching. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported to make good progress from their starting points. Attendance rates have improved.

Leaders have taken a wide range of actions to improve the attendance of pupils. A strong culture of safeguarding exists throughout the school. Procedures for keeping pupils safe are secure and clear.

The pastoral support for pupils is a high priority for leaders.

Information about this school

The school converted to become an academy within the Wise Owl Trust in February 2016. The trust is responsible for strategic decision-making and provides a range of central services to support the school.

The school's governing body is responsible for the monitoring and checking of standards of education in the school. The school is much larger than the average-sized primary school. The proportion of pupils supported by the pupil premium is much higher than the national average.

The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic groups or who speak English as an additional language is much higher than the national average. The proportion of pupils with SEND is broadly at the national average. The proportion of pupils who have an education, health and care plan is broadly at the national average.

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