Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School

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About Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School

Name Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School
Website http://www.ourladystar.cheshire.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Louise Finlay
Address Capenhurst Lane, ELLESMERE PORT, CH65 7AQ
Phone Number 01513290814
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 367
Local Authority Cheshire West and Chester
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a friendly, welcoming school.

Staff and pupils establish strong relationships built on mutual respect. Pupils, and children in the early years, trust adults to deal with their concerns quickly and effectively. This includes incidents of bullying, which are rare.

Pupils said that they feel happy and safe in school. Many parents and carers share this positive view.

Leaders have high expectations of pupils' achievement, including those pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

When designing their curriculum, they have carefully considered the needs of the school community and what pupils should learn to be successful. Pu...pils achieve well.

Leaders expect pupils to behave well.

Most pupils listen attentively during lessons. This begins in the early years when children learn to follow routines. Older pupils understand that they are role models to younger pupils.

For example, they help younger pupils and children to make sensible choices.

Pupils enjoy making a positive contribution to the life of the school. They relish the many leadership opportunities that they take on, such as 'max agents' and librarians.

Pupils appreciate the wide range of activities available to them, including sports clubs and musical theatre. They access trips and visits that bring the curriculum to life.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have established a creative and ambitious curriculum.

They have considered what pupils must learn to thrive. Leaders are committed to ensuring that pupils understand social justice and have an awareness of the environment. The curriculum is well designed from the early years to Year 6.

Leaders have carefully selected the knowledge that they want pupils to know and remember.

Teachers have been well trained to deliver the curriculum effectively. They have a secure knowledge of the subjects that they teach.

Teachers choose appropriate activities to help to deepen pupils' learning. Teachers use suitable assessment strategies to make regular checks on pupils' learning. This helps to identify pupils' misconceptions.

Teachers provide appropriate support to prevent pupils from falling behind.

Leaders place a high priority on reading. Children in the early years receive daily phonics lessons from the start of school.

Teachers ensure that reading books are carefully matched to the sounds that children and pupils have learned. Staff are quick to spot children and pupils who fall behind with their phonics knowledge. They provide effective support to help these children and pupils to catch up quickly.

Teachers and pupils read together regularly. This is helping pupils to become fluent and independent readers. Pupils spoke enthusiastically about the books that they read.

Leaders identify the additional needs of pupils with SEND quickly and accurately. In lessons, teachers present subject matter clearly. They carefully adapt the delivery of the curriculum, so that pupils with SEND can learn well.

Children in the early years develop positive learning behaviours. Most pupils listen to their teachers and show respect towards each other. Pupils' learning is rarely disrupted.

Pupils move around school in a calm and orderly manner. They play cooperatively together at breaktimes.

The majority of pupils attend school regularly.

However, a small number of pupils do not attend school regularly enough. This means that some of these pupils miss out on important learning.

Leaders provide children and pupils with a broad range of opportunities to support their personal development.

For example, staff teach pupils about the importance of equality and diversity in modern Britain. Pupils learn to respect differences between people.

Governors know the school well.

They understand the school's strengths and those aspects that leaders are keen to develop further. Governors hold leaders to account effectively. Leaders consider staff's well-being and workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that staff receive regular safeguarding training, so that they are clear about the role that they play in keeping pupils safe. Staff are vigilant.

As a result, they know how to identify, and report concerns about pupils' welfare and safety.

Staff know pupils and their families well. They are alert to any signs that children or pupils may be at risk of harm.

Leaders act quickly on any concerns brought to their attention. They are tenacious in getting appropriate, external support for pupils and their families.

Staff make sure that pupils learn how to keep themselves safe in the wider community and when online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some pupils do not attend school regularly enough. This means that they miss out on some important learning and opportunities to be involved in wider school life. Leaders should ensure that these pupils are supported to improve their rates of attendance.

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