Sheriff Hutton Primary School

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About Sheriff Hutton Primary School

Name Sheriff Hutton Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Beverley Stell
Address West End, Sheriff Hutton, York, YO60 6SH
Phone Number 01347878441
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 106
Local Authority North Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders have maintained the warm and welcoming ethos in this inclusive school. A strong sense of community is at the heart of this small school. Pupils are proud of the work they do for the community such as litter picking in the village.

Leaders are ambitious for all pupils to achieve well, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They have made many changes to improve the curriculum that are helping pupils to achieve well.

Pupils value equality and diversity.

They know it is 'okay to be different'. Pupils enjoy the many opportunities to take on leadership responsibilities by becoming members of different councils such as t...he Erasmus council, where older pupils enjoy communicating with their peers in schools in a variety of European countries. They learn about sports and what it is like to live, for example, in Sweden.

In most lessons, pupils' behaviour is good. This helps pupils to focus on their work. They value friendships.

Pupils appreciate the friendship bench for anyone who may be feeling unhappy. They look out for each other. Pupils know to talk to a trusted adult when they need help.

Pupils know about different types of bullying. Bullying is rare. Adults act quickly to prevent bullying and to keep pupils safe in school.

As a result, pupils feel safe in school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have made many changes to improve the school's curriculum. They have identified end points for each subject.

The curriculums for reading and mathematics show the clear sequence of knowledge and skills that build to these end points. However, in some subjects including science and history, the endpoints are too broad and not as clear as they could be. They do not specify the sequence of knowledge pupils must acquire step by step and year on year.

Therefore, some pupils struggle to connect their learning so that they are well prepared for the next stages in their learning.

In mathematics, teachers provide pupils with opportunities to practise what they are learning. This help pupils to remember the content so that they are ready to learn new ideas.

Teachers make regular checks on pupils' understanding. They make sure pupils are supported effectively so that they achieve well. For instance, teachers provide opportunities for pupils to revisit topics if they have not understood a new concept during the lesson.

Most pupils say that they love to read. Younger children in Reception enjoy the stories that staff read to them. Leaders have ensured that high quality texts support pupils' learning of the curriculum.

The phonics scheme is used well by staff. Most reading books are matched accurately to pupils' phonic knowledge. This helps pupils to gain fluency in reading.

Assessment is used effectively to identify any gaps in phonic knowledge. Teachers make sure that pupils receive extra help so that they keep up with their peers. Older pupils enjoy reading often from a wide range of quality texts such as 'The Nowhere Emporium' by Ross MacKenzie.

They discuss and summarise the main ideas from paragraphs in the story. Pupils achieve well in reading.

Leaders have made significant improvements to the support provided for pupils with SEND.

Staff receive clear information that enables them to put the right support in place for every pupil. Leaders ensure that all staff are trained to support pupils well. Staff are caring.

For example, they use their expert knowledge to help pupils to maintain focus in lessons. Assessment is highly effective in identifying pupils' needs and gaps in knowledge. This means that pupils with SEND access all areas of the curriculum with success.

Staff in the early years ensure that children get off to a strong start. Routines are well established. Effective care and well-placed support ensure that children thrive.

For example, children come into the classroom in the morning and start practising their writing. As a result, children are well-prepared for the next stage in learning. Children are confident to leave their parents and carers and get straight into learning.

The curriculum for developing pupils' character is of a high quality. Older pupils show maturity when discussing what they have learned about healthy relationships. Pupils enjoy the wide range of clubs on offer such as football, kickboxing and tennis.

There are many different councils for pupils to develop their leadership skills. Pupils vote for their peers to become members of each council. Council members enjoy leading whole school assembly every Wednesday.

Some pupils enjoy learning to play musical instruments such as the violin, keyboard or recorder. Every year, older pupils take part in the Young Voices choral event in Sheffield.

Governors know the improvements that leaders have made and what they need to do to get better.

Governors and leaders have focused on the right priorities. Staff value and appreciate these changes. They feel that leaders take practical steps to support their workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and staff know pupils and their families well. They receive regular training and updates about how to keep children safe.

There are thorough systems in place for staff and pupils to report and record any safeguarding concerns. Leaders act swiftly to ensure that pupils who need additional support receive the necessary help.

Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe both in the local community and online.

Leaders ensure that pupils understand how to keep themselves safe in a range of situations. Appropriate recruitment checks are undertaken to ensure that all staff are safe to work in the school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In science and some foundation subjects, including history, some pupils struggle to remember what they have learned.

This is, in part, because knowledge is not broken down into precise, well-sequenced steps. The sequence of learning between end points is not clear for teachers to ensure that lessons build knowledge over time. Leaders need to ensure that these curriculums identify the sequence of knowledge that pupils need to remember and that teachers are supported to implement these subject curriculums effectively.

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