St Peter’s Elwick Church of England Primary School

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About St Peter’s Elwick Church of England Primary School

Name St Peter’s Elwick Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Vikki Wilson
Address North Lane, Elwick, Hartlepool, TS27 3EG
Phone Number 01429274904
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 101
Local Authority Hartlepool
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud to attend St Peter's Elwick and to be part of the school family. Leaders are relentless in their efforts to teach every pupil to value themselves and others. They ensure that the vision 'to give all the opportunity to be who God created them to be and have fullness of life' influences everything that happens in school.

Pupils benefit from a curriculum that prepares them well for life. They are encouraged to make links between their learning and future careers. A wide range of groups, including the junior leadership team, Anne Frank ambassadors and digital leaders, provide pupils with meaningful opportunities to take on responsibility and to lead.

They... learn to do the right thing, even when it is difficult. Those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are fully included in the life of the school.

From the very beginning, pupils learn how to behave and show respect for others.

Pupils behave well all the time. They are very well supported by adults. Older pupils are strong role models.

Bullying is not a problem in this school. Pupils are confident that adults will sort it out if it does happen.

Parents and carers are very positive about the school.

They appreciate the learning opportunities and high expectations for all. They welcome the wide range of after-school clubs that are available. Parents particularly value the caring, nurturing environment in the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are determined to ensure that the curriculum is ambitious and relevant for all pupils. They make excellent use of research, expert advice and best practice to ensure that this is the case. Wherever possible, learning is underpinned by practical experiences, trips and visitors.

This helps pupils to engage with and enjoy their education. Pupils often talk about what they have learned through such activities.

Right from the early years, leaders have identified the most important knowledge that pupils need to learn.

They ensure that the curriculum is coherently sequenced so that pupils can build their knowledge and vocabulary over time. Leaders provide staff with well-informed guidance, professional development and resources to ensure that the curriculum is taught consistently. In many subjects, pupils achieve well.

For example, by upper key stage 2, pupils can talk in mature and informed ways about aspects of physical and human geography or about the techniques that they have used to produce artwork. However, this is not currently fully established in all subjects.

Teachers adapt the curriculum to ensure that pupils with SEND are able to access the key knowledge that they need to learn in different subjects.

Where necessary, they have extra adult support. This can happen before, during or after the lesson.Specific resources are available to meet the particular needs of pupils.

Leaders place reading at the heart of the curriculum. A well-chosen range of books supports pupils to make connections between aspects of their learning and to learn about the wider world. Pupils value and enjoy reading.

The leadership of early reading is strong. Staff are trained in how to teach phonics. They check that each pupil is keeping up.

Pupils who need extra support receive the help that they need. Pupils at an early stage of learning to read have books that are closely matched to the sounds that they know. More experienced pupils are supported effectively to read an increasingly wide range of books.

As a result, pupils achieve well.

Behaviour is exemplary. Staff model high expectations and notice when pupils make the right choice.

Pupils learn to be polite and courteous as a result. They support each other to behave in line with adults' high expectations. For example, some older pupils help nursery children to learn appropriate table manners.

The curriculum to promote pupils' personal development is exceptional. Leaders go above and beyond to ensure that all pupils are able to participate in curricular and extra-curricular activities which foster their talents and interests. Pupils are taught to debate and explore different points of view.

By the time they leave the school, pupils have a highly developed understanding of equality and democracy. From the early years onwards, pupils are guided to learn the knowledge and skills to become successful citizens in modern-day Britain.

The headteacher is a strong role model.

She provides highly effective leadership. This is enhanced by well-informed, coordinated support from the trust and governors. In turn, staff feel valued and supported.

They appreciate the opportunities for professional development. They know that their workload and well-being are considered.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Pupil welfare is at the heart of this school's culture. Pupils know that they can talk to adults in school and their concerns will be taken seriously. The staff team take care to develop effective relationships with parents.

They know pupils and their families well. This means that they can respond quickly when help is needed.

Leaders maintain thorough records of actions taken.

They refer concerns to outside agencies. Regular training ensures that staff can fulfil their responsibilities to keep pupils safe.

Leaders ensure that recruitment checks are carried out for adults who work in school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Although the curriculum has been thoughtfully designed and sequenced, the curriculums in some subjects are not currently consistently embedded. As a result, pupils sometimes cannot recall what they have learned, so they are unable to build on it successfully. Leaders should ensure that in all subjects, pupils are supported to embed key concepts, use knowledge fluently and develop their understanding over time.

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