The High School Leckhampton

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About The High School Leckhampton

Name The High School Leckhampton
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Helen Wood
Address Farm Lane, Leckhampton, Cheltenham, GL51 3FS
Phone Number 01242383351
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 244
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are exceptionally proud to attend The High School Leckhampton. The behaviour and attitudes of pupils are exemplary.

As a 'Rights Respecting School', pupils understand how their behaviour has an impact on others. This means that the school community has the mutual respect for others at its heart. On the very rare occasion that behaviour falls below expectations, leaders quickly act to maintain the high standards.

Pupils learn why the behaviour was unacceptable. Therefore, poor behaviour is rarely repeated and pupils feel safe.

Pupils relish the opportunity to take on leadership roles in this school.

They make significant contributions to the ru...nning of the school, for example as members of the student council and environmental groups or as peer mentors and librarians. Leaders actively listen to pupils' views and opinions about the school. Changes happen as a result, so pupils feel empowered to make a difference.

Pupils at this school develop their character and interests alongside their academic achievements. The school provides an extensive range of extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities. For example, pupils can take part in both competitive sport as well as physical activity to support their health and mental well-being.

Trips, visits and guest speakers are provided for all pupils. Pupils, including pupils who are disadvantaged, enthusiastically take part in this wider curriculum.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has planned a broad and highly ambitious curriculum.

It extends beyond the national curriculum in all subject areas. The school has set out the knowledge it wants pupils to have as informed citizens. Pupils learn what makes each subject unique.

They routinely use sophisticated subject-specific language. This leads to eloquent and confident pupil discussions about their learning.

Teachers have very good subject knowledge and explain concepts clearly to pupils.

The teaching activities used enable pupils to remember their learning securely over time. Effective questioning and assessments identify and address gaps in pupils' knowledge or understanding. Pupils are keen to make improvements to their work.

As a result, pupils learn the curriculum exceptionally well.

Reading matters at this school. It sits at the centre of every subject, with texts used to broaden pupils' understanding of subjects.

Pupils and adults share a genuine love of reading. This extends into the wider school community with families and governors sharing the 'community read'. Adults are passionate that all pupils need to be fluent and confident readers.

The school rapidly identifies pupils who find reading challenging. It provides the support pupils need to catch up with their peers and to build the comprehension skills they need to enjoy reading.

The school accurately and swiftly identifies pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

It actively engages pupils and parents with planning and reviewing support. Pupils with SEND receive the support they need to learn the curriculum as well as their peers.

Pupils are very well prepared for adult life.

They receive an age-appropriate sex and relationships education. They have extensive opportunities to debate and discuss different viewpoints and moral dilemmas. Pupils not only understand what fundamental British values are but are able to reflect on what they mean for them as citizens.

The extensive careers programme gives pupils in all year groups multiple opportunities to meet employers and further education providers. This rich set of experiences means pupils are highly aspirational for their future. Pupils attend school regularly because they enjoy school and value education.

The school has a relentless drive for excellence. Leaders are deliberate in their decisions to ensure that the ethos and culture of the school are well embedded into all areas of school life. The school considers the workload and well-being of staff, particularly as the school expands in size.

It provides staff with the training they need to be highly effective. Staff feel trusted and motivated. The governors, trustees and executive leaders have an accurate view of the school.

They support and challenge the school in equal measure. This strong, shared vision means that pupils attending this school receive an outstanding education.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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