Wepre C.P. School

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About Wepre C.P. School

Name Wepre C.P. School
Address Llwyni Drive, Connah’s Quay, Deeside, CH5 4NE
Phone Number 01244 830104
Phase Nursery, Infants & Juniors
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 327 (53.8% boys 46.2% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 20.5
Local Authority Flintshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

The headteacher, supported by the governing body, promotes a clear vision for all learners and staff based on 'achievement through happiness'.

Leaders have created a positive learning environment that promotes inclusion, well-being, and an ethos of mutual respect. The school is a safe place where teachers undertake their role in caring for pupils diligently. However, the school's procedures for safeguarding need improving.

Regular self-evaluation activities allow leaders to accurately identify strengths and plan for areas for development. The headteacher seeks the views of all stakeholders and monitors the progress of most improvement strategies well. One example of effective practice is how senior leaders have implemented... the Additional Learning Needs (ALN) reform, resulting in nearly all pupils with additional learning needs making good progress.

However, improvement strategies do not always focus sharply enough on improving the quality of teaching. The school has made effective progress in developing a broad and inclusive curriculum. The curriculum provides many opportunities for pupils to engage in a range of relevant learning experiences that enable pupils to enjoy their learning and develop their skills.

Overall, teachers plan beneficial learning opportunities, but the provision for developing purposeful independent learning is not consistent across the school. Most pupils make appropriate progress in nearly all areas of learning. As they move through the school, their language and mathematical skills develop well.

However, pupils are not always given suitable opportunities to apply these skills in real life contexts. In addition, teachers do not always challenge pupils well enough, and therefore a minority of pupils do not make the progress that they are capable of. The relationships between all members of the school community reflect the kind, caring and positive ethos.

Nearly all pupils enjoy being at Wepre school. They behave exceptionally well and show respect for each other, staff and visitors. Recommendations R1 Address the safeguarding issues identified during the inspection R2 Improve teaching and learning experiences to ensure that all pupils make the progress they are capable of R3 Ensure that monitoring and evaluation processes focus sharply on improving the quality of teaching What happens next The school will draw up an action plan to address the recommendations from the inspection.

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