Willowpark Primary Academy

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About Willowpark Primary Academy

Name Willowpark Primary Academy
Website http://www.willowparkacademy.org
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Principal Mrs Louise Hayes
Address Vulcan Street, Oldham, OL1 4LJ
Phone Number 01613595699
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 236
Local Authority Oldham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders have transformed the school.

Their strong leadership and high aspirations have improved teaching, behaviour and pupils' outcomes so that these are now good. Leaders have tackled the legacy of poor outcomes and teaching from the predecessor school. Most pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs and/ or disabilities (SEND), now make good progress in a range of subjects, including reading, writing and mathematics.

Teachers have honed their practice because : they are well supported by a range of training opportunities. Teachers' planning is meticulous. Writing is not as consistently strong as it... is in reading and mathematics.

Some pupils make too many spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Handwriting is not of consistently high quality among some pupils. The school provides a wide range of support for pupils' personal and social and health development, including their mental well-being.

The curriculum is broad and balanced. Pupils develop their skills and knowledge in a range of subjects. At times, opportunities for pupils to think deeply about their work in subjects other than mathematics and English are limited.

Pupils behave sensibly in and around the school. They are polite and respectful. Pupils are taught to read effectively.

Younger pupils in Reception and Year 1 learn their phonics skills well. The vast majority reach the phonics standard by the end of key stage 1. A number of pupils enter the school mid-year from a range of settings and countries.

These pupils are supported well. Pupils who speak English as an additional language make good progress. Children in the early years make good progress from starting points that are lower than typical for their age.

They are cared for effectively and well prepared for Year 1. South Pennines Academies Trust has provided the much-needed structure, strong leadership and direction for the school. Its members are highly qualified and experienced.

They have made astute recruitment decisions at all levels of the school. The local governing body provides strong oversight of the school. The school's vision and aims are kept front and foremost in all decision making.

They hold leaders to account effectively.

Information about this school

The school opened in September 2016 under new sponsorship from South Pennines Academies Trust. Its predecessor school was Stoneleigh Academy.

The school is an averaged-sized primary school. The proportion of pupils eligible for free school meals is above the national average. The proportion of pupils with SEND is above average.

The proportion of pupils eligible for an education, health and care plan is below average. The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is above average. The number of pupils starting and leaving at different times through the year is increasing year on year.

The school is led by an executive headteacher, who also overseas another school in the trust, and a head of school. The coordinator for pupils with SEND and the DSL shares her responsibilities between two schools. The school runs a breakfast club.

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