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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are warmly welcomed into the club when they arrive from their classroom. Staff talk to them about their day and, once all the children arrive, they talk about their plans, based on the children's interests.
Staff engage well, and children are clearly relaxed and confident in their surroundings. The key-person system is effective and the staff know the children well, what their interests are and how to support them in their play. Consequently, children are confident to seek help and reassurance.
Children enjoy a wide range of activities, such as using dough, small-world play and a wide range of creative activities.... For example, children enjoy designing a positive message on a t-shirt template. Other children build complex models using building blocks, and staff talk about their models with them.
Staff encourage children to talk about the club's simple rules, such as respecting each other and listening to the adults. This enables even the youngest children to know the boundaries and expectations. Consequently, children behave well.
They share and take turns, and are respectful to each other and the staff. Children tell a visiting adult that the 'first rule of the club is to have fun'.Staff build positive relationships with parents.
Parents report that communication is good and they feel confident that their child is enjoying their time in the club.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Management implements good procedures to provide new staff with an induction and those who are stepping up to a management role. Staff feel valued and supported, and are confident to raise any issues with the management.
The nominated individual helps staff to identify improvements by completing sessions with staff where they observe them with the children and talk to staff about the strengths and areas where they could develop.The club manager deploys staff effectively to make sure that all children receive the support they need. For example, staff escort children to the washrooms, and one member of staff constantly walks around the outside area to make sure that children are happy and engaged in their play.
Other staff actively engage in children's play.Staff respect that children have had a busy day at school. They carefully plan play opportunities, such as outdoor play, where children can use the school play equipment and footballs, skipping ropes and balance boards.
This enables children to develop their skills and have fun. Indoors, children play 'hairdressers' with dough, where they make dough characters and cut and style their hair. Children greatly enjoy being creative.
Some children enjoy reading books and talking with staff about the story, developing their literacy skills.Children's behaviour is good. They show respect to each other as they play together and demonstrate good manners.
For example, children cooperate as they build brick models and show an interest in each other's creations. Other children take turns in the outside area on the school's outdoor equipment. Staff model treating every child as an individual and showing them respect.
Children learn about healthy lifestyles, supporting them to understand the importance of healthy, nutritious snacks and physical exercise on their bodies. They benefit from healthy snacks and good opportunities to develop their physical skills in the outside area.Staff provide a good range of resources that children can choose from throughout the session.
Children make choices in what they play with, increasing their enjoyment.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.