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About 4 Children And Families
4 Children And Families
Bluecoat Academy Primary, Harvey Road, Nottingham, NG8 3BB
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the club eager to have a snack and join in with the activities. They confidently chat with staff and visitors about their day and their current interests. Children choose what they would like to do from a wide range of activities.
They play with dolls, make dens, watch television, take part in arts and crafts, and imaginative role play. Children are engaged in their play. They show enjoyment in what they are doing as they smile and laugh with one another and staff.
Children's behaviour is excellent. They speak to staff with respect and use good manners. Staff praise their good behaviour and achievements ...highly, this fosters a very positive atmosphere in the club.
Children are considerate of one another. When a child bumps into another child they say sorry immediately, without a prompt from staff, and check to see if they are ok. Children say 'excuse me' to one another when they need to get past.
They know how to play physical games, such as role-play wrestling without hurting one another. Older children show care for the younger children. They include them in their play and help them with tricky tasks.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The key-person system is effective in ensuring all children are supported and settled in the club. Staff get to know the children and their families well, so that they can meet their individual needs. Staff work closely in partnership with parents and the host school, ensuring key information is shared.
Children are active learners and enjoy messy play. They work with a member of staff to make a slime mixture. Children mix flour, water, lotion, food colouring and flavouring, to make mixtures of different consistencies, colours and fragrances.
They put their hands and arms into the mixture and play with it, enjoying the sensory experience. Children describe how it feels and discuss how they could alter it by adding more of the different ingredients.Children decide if they would like to play inside or outdoors.
Staff deploy themselves effectively, so they can support children's chosen play and ensure their safety. Outside, children enjoy playing football, badminton, and join in gymnastic activities. They learn about taking risks, and develop their coordination and balance as they climb the apparatus.
Children play basketball and ask staff to watch them do a 'slam dunk'. They benefit from fresh air and physical play outside.Staff interact positively with children, playing fun games like hide and seek.
Children confidently count to 50 while staff hide a ball. Staff then guide children to find the ball by saying they are either 'hot or cold' when they are near or far away from where the ball is hidden. This is fun and children and staff laugh together as they seek.
Children's good health is promoted. Staff provide children with a healthy snack. Children enjoy choosing what they would like to eat and select items to fill their own wraps.
They wash their hands before eating, demonstrating good hygiene practice.Children enjoy creative activities. They make origami 'chatterboxes'.
They fold paper carefully, following a design, and then play with the chatterboxes together. Children take turns to each choose a flap, which reveals a task or question. They giggle as they are required to answer funny questions.
This activity requires concentration and imagination, children really enjoy the challenge.Staff access training in paediatric first aid, safeguarding and health and safety. They also access specific training to support their continuous professional development and to meet the needs of the children.
Parents speak highly of the staff and activities on offer at the club. They say that their children enjoy attending and often do not want to go home at the end of the session. Parents comment that they trust staff and that staff go 'above and beyond' for their children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Following a recent incident the security of the club has been improved. The provider and staff have worked closely with the host school and local authority to improve their risk assessments to ensure children cannot leave the premises unsupervised.
Staff are vigilant in their supervision of children. The school site is secure. When parents arrive to collect their children they ring a bell on the gate to alert staff who come and unlock it.
Staff understand their responsibilities regarding child protection. They know the signs to look out for which could indicate a child is at risk of harm. Staff know who to contact if they have safeguarding concerns.