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About 4 Community Trust Victoria Park
4 Community Trust Victoria Park
Victoria Park Primary Academy, 99 Ballot Street, Smethwick, B66 3HH
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are safely escorted from their classrooms to the main school hall, where they are warmly welcomed by the club staff.
Children clearly feel comfortable and confident in this familiar environment and quickly settle into activities and socialise with their friends. Staff consult weekly with children about what they enjoy most, and incorporate these experiences into the weekly plans. Arts and crafts activities are made available daily in relation to children's ideas and requests.
For example, children requested sewing and have made bags. Children are completely absorbed as they use various boxes and adhesive tape to m...ake their elaborate creations. Staff support children well to extend their ideas as they request further items, such as feathers, to decorate their models.
Staff help children well to understand the needs of others and to care for each other. For example, older children help younger children as they tie their laces and open doors for them. Children form an orderly queue when they go to wash their hands.
They are eager to fill their own wraps and enjoy the snack provided. Staff are good play partners and children enjoy their company. For example, children pretend to take their pets to the vets after learning about how vets care for animals, and staff indulge this fantasy play.
Staff create daily opportunities for children to be physical outdoors. Children enjoy being active outdoors as they use a varied range of physical play equipment.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The club leader is supported well by members of the leadership team to ensure the smooth running of the club.
There are robust monitoring systems in place, and roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and understood by all. For example, a member of the leadership team carries out regular checks to monitor practice and ensure consistency across all the clubs. There are effective systems in place to ensure the club leader and staff benefit from regular supervision sessions, training and support to help extend their practice.
The leadership team and staff recognise the importance of working closely with staff from the on-site school for the benefit of children. In addition, some of the staff also work at the school during the day and this helps them build close relationships with children and understand their personalities and needs. They follow the school's behaviour management policy and strategies to help ensure consistency for children.
There are effective systems in place to obtain the required information to help meet the needs of children to promote their health and keep them safe.There are effective systems in place to keep parents up to date about the club. For example, the electronic application used ensures parents are kept updated, and all the required records and policies are uploaded to the system.
Annual parents' surveys are undertaken and any suggestions and ideas acted upon. For example, changes have been made to the snacks provided on the request of parents. Parents report their children are happy and enjoy attending.
Staff successfully consult with children daily about their interests and preferences and make these resources and activities available for them. Children show high levels of enjoyment and their interest, for instance, in superheroes is built on well. Staff value children's contributions and this helps children develop a sense of belonging and ownership for the club.
Promoting children's personal, social and emotional development and their behaviour is given high regard. Staff know children well and swiftly identify any triggers for children's behaviour patterns. This helps staff skilfully use appropriate de-escalation strategies to support any children who may become emotionally overwhelmed.
Children understand behaviour expectations as they are consistent with the school's code of behaviour.There is an effective key-person system to help staff build a close relationship with their assigned key children. Staff make the time to get to know children's home circumstances, personalities and preferences when they first start.
There are strong systems in place to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.Staff confidently challenge any negative stereotypes and teach children about the needs of others and disability. Children have plenty of opportunities to talk about their cultural differences and take part in a variety of cultural festivals.
For example, staff provide a variety of cultural food tasting and music for children to experience.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.