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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are kind and helpful.
They share resources and engage when playing together. Children help their friends to tidy up resources. Staff model good behaviours, including using 'please' and 'thank you' when talking.
Children learn from this and use their manners when talking to their peers, showing respect and understanding for each other. Children are confident to speak to the visiting inspector. They demonstrate how proud they are of their own achievements and those of others.
They clap and comment, 'Well done,' when children are dancing, showing how proud they are of their friends.Children are keen lear...ners and show that they thoroughly enjoy the activities provided. For example, babies are curious to investigate trays of cornflour 'gloop' and shaving foam using their hands.
Older children learn about hibernation and the changing of seasons. Staff set up a winter scene with toy polar bears and penguins. They talk to children about the North and South Poles and animal habitats.
There are many opportunities for children to develop their independence. Children put on their own coats and hats when going outside. They are encouraged to wash their hands before snack and enjoy singing a handwashing song.
Staff teach children to be healthy and talk to them about making nutritious choices during mealtimes.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The well-thought-out curriculum helps children to make good progress in their learning, given their starting points in development. Staff are fully aware of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children's development.
They tailor the curriculum to help to close any gaps in children's learning.Children demonstrate their confidence in the learning environment. They access forest school activities in the outdoor space and local woods.
Staff support children to explore the areas, where they develop their senses and play imaginatively.Children show their confidence and resilience when they try something new. They explore their own capabilities and have a go at activities.
Staff speak sensitively to children and help them to become aware of their own safety. For example, as children navigate an obstacle course, they remind each other to be careful as they balance.Staff find out about the experiences which children have at home.
They use this information to broaden children's experiences. For example, staff take children into the local community. Children visit the library to develop their love of books.
They go to local parks, which helps children to take risks and extend their physical development.Staff understand how to manage children's behaviour well. They support children to develop respect for others.
For example, children learn about their friends' beliefs. They find about a range of festivals from other cultures and faiths, such as Chinese New Year. Children enjoy hearing a story about the Chinese zodiac.
Staff use a wide vocabulary to develop children's understanding and curiosity. They introduce words, such as 'admire', as they share stories with children. However, at times, staff working with younger children ask questions that only require a one-word answer and do not allow children enough time to respond.
This reduces children's engagement in learning.Overall, staff promote children's literacy skills. They provide opportunities for older children to recognise and write their own names.
However, some staff do not model the correct pronunciation of the sounds that letters represent. This does not consistently develop older children's early literacy skills.The setting has been through a challenging time in recent months.
This has had an impact on the consistency of some teaching across the rooms. Managers recognise the strengths and weaknesses in practice. For instance, they evaluate staff's practice through peer observations, video observations and appraisal meetings.
Managers have put plans in place to address weaknesses.Parents speak very highly of the setting and value the support and guidance which they receive. They comment on the kind and caring staff team and the wide range of activities that are offered to children.
Staff keep parents informed about their children's progress through an online app, and parents are invited into the setting for open days.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Managers ensure that staff are fully aware of their roles and responsibilities to protect children in their care from harm.
Managers and staff undertake regular safeguarding training to help them to recognise the signs and symptoms of when a child may be at risk of harm. Staff know the reporting procedures to follow should they become concerned about the welfare of a child or the conduct of a colleague. They are aware of safeguarding issues, such as how children may be subject to extreme or radical views.
Staff complete daily risk assessments to identify and remove any hazards. This helps to provide a safe place for children.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to consistently ask questions which promote younger children's thinking skills and allow time for them to respond strengthen staff's knowledge of how to develop older children's early literacy skills further.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.