ABC Day Nursery Ltd, Hollinswood

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About ABC Day Nursery Ltd, Hollinswood

Name ABC Day Nursery Ltd, Hollinswood
Ofsted Inspections
Address Hollinswood Infant School, Dale Acre Way, TELFORD, Shropshire, TF3 2EP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority TelfordandWrekin
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

All children make outstanding progress from their individual starting points.

They gain a wealth of excellent skills that prepare them exceptionally well for the next stage of their learning and school. Children confidently lead their play and learning. They are fully motivated to play, explore and make new discoveries in the exciting learning environments.

For example, children investigate floating and sinking and give detailed explanations with accurate visual demonstrations about the forces in action. They independently access high-quality resources and gather what they need for their design projects. Childre...n decide to use paper, tape and folding techniques to create three-dimensional products.

They solve problems and identify where aspects of their work can be improved, such as strengthening part of their design. Children have very high levels of independence. Toddlers serve their own meals and drinks.

They concentrate as they carefully pour milk from a china jug and use mirrors to help clean their faces after eating. They know when they need to blow their noses and where to hygienically dispose of the tissues. Staff empower all children to ensure they have the confidence in their own abilities to complete everyday tasks for themselves.

Children behave extremely well. They have a clear understanding of what is expected of themselves and others, and give gentle reminders to their friends if they are not following the rules.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The inspirational leadership team meticulously reflect on the quality of the provision.

They rigorously review teaching and learning to identify how they can further extend the outstanding practice and continue to provide the highest quality of play experiences for children. For example, recent monitoring of teaching and learning has helped them to further explore and address how staff relate to girls and boys, and enhance their play.Staff receive excellent support and coaching to help them to continuously build on their excellent teaching skills.

Recent training has helped them to identify how they can use children's spontaneous play ideas and interests to maximise the learning potential and offer the highest level of challenge. The provider is fully committed to investing in her staff team and others. For example, she extends the support that she and her leadership team provide, to offer guidance to other early years providers and schools.

Partnership working is extremely effective. Staff diligently liaise with parents to provide seamless support for children's care and development. Leaders understand the varying needs of the children and their families, and identify how they can best support them.

Parents speak very highly about the nursery and the care their children receive. They particularly appreciate how staff tailor their support to meet each child's specific needs. Staff and leaders work successfully with other professionals involved in children's care to ensure they can meet their medical and development needs.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive high-quality learning experiences from staff, who are extremely intuitive and sensitive to their individual requirements.Staff rigorously monitor the progress that children make and complete purposeful, accurate assessments of children's achievements. They use their expert understanding of how young children learn to plan exciting learning experiences that captivate children's interests and imaginations.

For example, children eagerly anticipate the daily changes they observe as they attempt to re-grow vegetables in water, such as carrots and celery. Staff intuitively respond to children's emerging interests and adapt their teaching, offering highly challenging enhancements to children's play ideas. They skilfully help pre-school children and toddlers to explore their imaginations and role-play ideas.

Toddlers find straws and use these as a 'spyglass' as they peer behind a wall, pretending to look for superheroes. Pre-school children make links with their own experiences, such as having a baby, and take on the role of moms and dads, adapting their language and tone of voice to reflect the person they are pretending to be.Staff provide exceptional support for children's communication and language development.

This includes helping children who speak English as an additional language to become confident communicators. They use highly effective strategies and interventions to implement targeted support for children with language development delay. Staff plan the learning environment to facilitate children's use of language and conversation.

Toddlers talk about their families as they eagerly explore photographs of themselves and their friends, commenting on who they are and what they are doing. Pre-school children explore how a typewriter works and give detailed instructions to their friends about how to operate it. Staff provide children with excellent language models to help them to become extremely articulate.

Children gain valuable strategies to help them to solve mathematical problems. Toddlers point to pieces of vegetables they have chopped up, accurately counting each one. Pre-school children decide to line up coins to assist with counting.

They 'count on', using their fingers to calculate how many more cups they need to set the table for lunch.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have an extremely high regard for children's safety and welfare.

The provider ensures that leaders and staff keep their knowledge of safeguarding matters and reporting procedures updated. They know the signs of abuse and neglect, and how to report any concerns about the welfare of a child in their care. This includes local safeguarding concerns.

Leaders and staff know how to manage allegations about staff conduct. Procedures for recruitment and selection are extremely robust, to ensure the suitability of staff. The manager and staff complete rigorous risk assessments to minimise and eliminate risks to children at the setting and on outings.

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