ACE Out of School Club Limited

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About ACE Out of School Club Limited

Name ACE Out of School Club Limited
Address Wootton Basset Infant School, High Street, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7BS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff greet children warmly upon collection from the on-site school. Staff support younger children's transitions, as they ask children how their day has been.

Children excitedly hang their coats and bags up, showing increasing levels of independence. Staff value children's opinions and interests, as they ask children to choose what they would like to play with. Older children work collaboratively together to build dens with large construction resources.

Younger children show willingness to help staff. For example, they eagerly ask to help to prepare snack for everyone. The well-resourced and managed environment encourages... children to take part in both indoor and outdoor activities.

Outside, children run and climb on the large climbing equipment and younger children laugh as they go down the slide. Children show confidence and enthusiasm at the club.Leaders and staff have high expectations for children's behaviour.

Older children proudly show their rules, such as play fair and respect everyone. Staff are positive role models for children and encourage children to manage their own conflicts, supporting children's fundamental life skills. Children demonstrate empathy towards each other, as they approach their friends in the quieter areas and ask if they are ok.

Staff use consistent approaches to support children's behaviour, helping children to understand what is expected of them.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff who work at the on-site school, use opportunities throughout children's time at the club to revisit what children have been learning that day. For example, staff test children's knowledge about the 'healthy eating plate' and children have discussions about 'slow releasing carbohydrates'.

This helps to reinforce children's learning.Children's well-being is a high priority. Staff recognise the quieter children and spend time talking with them.

They adapt the way they communicate to children, providing age-appropriate support. Staff take on board children's ideas. For example, older children asked for a space where they can relax and unwind, leaders swiftly implemented this.

Children have a strong sense of belonging.Staff implement effective routines to support children's health and hygiene. Children independently wash hands, in preparation for snack.

Staff encourage children to pour their own drinks and spread their own butter, helping children to practise their self-care skills and independence. Snack time is a calm and quiet time, where staff role model expected behaviours, such as table manners.Leaders have built strong partnerships with the community.

Children enjoy end of term gatherings with parents and food tasting days, working closely with local restaurants. Children from the local junior school also attend the club. This helps to support children's transitions and friendships as they prepare to move up to junior school.

Leaders work closely with other professionals to ensure children's individual needs are met, during their time at the club.Leaders are highly dedicated to providing a warm and nurturing environment for children and staff. Staff report high levels of well-being and have regular training opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge.

For example, recent training on behaviour management has helped staff to provide more consistent and effective strategies, helping to support children's emotional regulation. Leaders use self-reflection well, to keep the quality of care to a continuously high standard. Leaders recognise the importance of children, parents and staff contributing to this, creating positive partnerships.

Parents comment on the 'safe space' staff provide their children after school. They explain staff have clear expectations and create a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. Parents recognise the learning that takes place at the club, noting that children benefit from learning about different countries and their cultures.

Parents recognise the dedication from staff and enjoy the events leaders create for families.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Wootton Bassett Infants’ School

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