ARK Franklin Play Centre

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About ARK Franklin Play Centre

Name ARK Franklin Play Centre
Address A R K Franklin Primary Academy, Harvist Road, London, NW6 6HJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Brent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children show confidence and arrive at the club happily. Staff speak to children in a calm and friendly manner.

This ensures that children feel safe and secure within the environment. Children have a good awareness of the club's routine. For example, they sit down as they enter the club and wait for the register to be taken.

Children demonstrate good social skills. They happily talk amongst themselves as they wait for their peers to arrive. They enjoy spending time discussing their previous Spanish lessons.

Children greet their peers by saying 'Hola'. Children spend time participating in a variety of different act...ivities which they self-select. They enjoy using building equipment to make structures.

This supports them to explore their creativity. As children explore activities, staff support them by joining them in play ideas.Children show a good understanding of the club's rules.

For example, staff clap a rhythm to gain children's attention. Children respond well to this. Staff speak to children about the rules that are in place.

Children explain that they must not hurt others with their words or actions. Staff reinforce rules throughout sessions. For example, they encourage children to walk indoors.

This supports children to understand what is expected of them.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children have opportunities to make choices for themselves. For example, they independently choose where they would like to play.

Children spend extended periods of time engaging with play dough. They attempt to push play dough through a colander. This supports them to develop their problem-solving skills.

Children have plenty of opportunities to develop their physical skills. They have access to a large outdoor area which they use daily. Children enjoy outdoor activities.

For example, they enjoy spending time playing 'Simon says'. This supports children to follow instructions and move their bodies in different ways. Indoors, children take part in a game of 'beach, bank, river'.

They show high levels of engagement, as they develop their gross motor skills.Children have opportunities to role play. Younger children enjoy playing in the kitchen area.

Staff support role play ideas by saying 'the food is hot, I need a plate'. This encourages children to develop their imaginative skills.Although children have access to a range of activities, these are not consistently available.

For example, at the beginning of the session, activities are not readily available for children to participate with. This results in long wait times and, as a result, children become distracted.The club is inclusive to all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Staff support children who require additional support by providing additional adult interaction when needed. This enables all children to be able to access the club.Parents speak fondly of the club.

They express how children enjoy the time they spend there. They share how they feel staff communicate well and pass on needed information.Leaders are reflective.

They explain how they identify areas of strength as well as areas that they would like to improve upon. Leaders speak passionately about how they identify potential trauma triggers. They explain how they strive to make adaptions to support all children.

Staff feel supported. They share how they feel the club is like a family. Staff explain how leaders support them within their roles.

They express how they benefit from the training opportunities that are available to them.Staff within the club show a good understanding of health and safety protocols. For example, they clean the floors when needed.

Staff also share how a risk assessment is completed each day to ensure that areas used by children are kept safe.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Club Sporters & Leisure Limited Ark Franklin Primary Academy

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