Abacus After School Club

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About Abacus After School Club

Name Abacus After School Club
Address Langtons Junior & Infant School, Westland Avenue, HORNCHURCH, Essex, RM11 3SD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Havering
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and enjoy their time at the after-school club.

They are greeted warmly by adults as they are collected from the onsite school. Adults take time to support the transition, asking children how their day has been as they walk back together. Children show high levels of independence as they hang their coats and bags up and take their seat for registration.

There is a strong focus on children's health and well-being. A well-resourced and managed environment, with lots of space, allows children to take part in both indoor and outdoor play. Children look after resources, putting things back after they have used... them.

Behaviour expectations are high, with adults swiftly supporting children to negotiate any challenges that arise. As a result, children demonstrate concern and empathy towards each other. Adults allow time for children to respond to what is being asked of them, encouraging them patiently.

Their choices and opinions are valued and respected. Children follow instructions and know routines and boundaries well. They respond positively to the care and attention shown to them.

They explain that they will go to an adult if they are sad or upset. They explain that adults help them to calm down and start playing again.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Adults encourage children to spend time outdoors in the fresh air.

Children build on their existing skills by learning how to hula with hoops and playing badminton and ball games. Staff are on hand to ensure children are using appropriate safety equipment. For example, children understand that they are not allowed to use a scooter unless they wear a helmet to help keep them safe.

Children learn hygiene and self-care skills as they wash their hands in preparation for snack time. They are offered a variety of healthy foods to choose from. Snack time is a calm and quiet time, where adults model expected behaviours.

Children scrape their plates and tidy up after themselves when they have finished, developing skills for life.Adults take time to find out what children have been learning at school. They use this information to support key messages.

For example, they ask how they should treat each other and what they should do if they feel upset or hurt. Children respond by saying they should always be polite and use 'kind hands'. They explain that they must talk to an adult if they need help.

This reinforces their learning.Children show enthusiasm, and a willingness to learn and do things for themselves. They confidently let adults know that they would like to have a go at something that might be difficult for them.

For example, using scissors to cut out eyes in a mask. Adults encourage and support them, celebrating and praising their efforts.Adults have high expectations of children, who respond well to gentle reminders.

They check in with children who are quiet, talking to them and spending time with them. They adapt the way they communicate with children as needed, so all children experience age-appropriate support. This contributes to a calm environment, where all children are valued and respected.

Children form strong friendships with each other. Younger children play alongside older children, who show care and respect towards them. They encourage them to try new ideas and ensure they are included in the games they are playing.

Parent feedback shows they highly value the service they receive. They explain that staff are very friendly and that they help their children settle in sensitively. Parents explain that their children are very well looked after and come out of the club fed, energised and happy.

They appreciate that staff and managers are always available when they need to contact them.The managers and staff are highly dedicated to providing a warm and nurturing space for all children. They ensure children are supported appropriately after a school day, offering a balance of activities.

They keep up to date with developments by accessing training and have a strong vision for the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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