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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children happily arrive at the nursery.
Parents and children are warmly welcomed in by staff. This helps children to settle quickly. Children feel safe and secure.
Staff support their individual needs and give reassurance and comfort. Children have fun. Staff skilfully interact with children in their chosen play.
Older children use their imagination as they pretend to be dinosaurs. They roar and giggle with delight as they chase staff outdoors. Staff support children to be independent and provide lots of opportunities for children to practise their independence skills.
Older children self-serve their ...own lunch. They tidy up and put their plates on the trolley. Younger children register themselves for circle time by finding their picture and names.
They find their own pegs and put their own coats on to go outdoors. Staff support children who speak English as an additional language. They learn words in children's home language and use these to support children's understanding.
Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour. They use golden rules and take time to explain to children why they cannot do something so that they can learn. Children are given little roles of responsibility, such as lunchtime helper where they help to set the table for their friends.
Staff praise them for their achievements. This boosts children's self-esteem, giving them a sense of pride and accomplishment.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Since the last inspection, the provider has a new management team in place.
They have worked hard to make improvements across the nursery, although there are still areas of support that leaders are working on. Action plans and targets are in place for staff to help ensure the quality of teaching is consistently good.The provider has a curriculum that is designed to continually build and enhance children's skills and abilities.
Children make good progress in their learning. Staff gather detailed information from parents about their children's interests, likes and dislikes. They use this information to plan and deliver activities that ignite a curiosity in children.
For example, toddlers currently have an interest in pirates. They enjoy exploring a plastic tray of oats and blue cornflour mixture. They navigate the pirate ship through the tray.
They read stories about pirates and sing songs. Children sustain interest in their chosen activity for long periods.Staff have high expectations for all children.
Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported. Staff work alongside external agencies and parents to plan and implement targets to help children reach the potential they are capable of. Regular meetings and support for parents through the referral process are offered.
Staff use pictures to support children's understanding of what is happening next. Parents are supported to use these at home to further aid children's understanding.Parents say that they are happy with the care their child receives.
They feel included and know exactly what stage of development their child is at. They receive regular updates when they come into the nursery to drop off and collect their children. Parents receive progress reports and can attend parents' evenings so they are aware of where their child is in their learning.
There is a strong focus on communication and language. Staff support children's communication skills by providing a language-rich environment. They repeat singular words to younger children to help them with the pronunciation.
However, staff do not consistently provide children with time to practise their conversational skills to help them become more fluent speakers.Children gain a good understanding of mathematical language and concepts. Outdoors, children enjoy using water spray bottles filled with different-coloured water.
They squeeze the triggers and watch as the different-coloured water mixes into new colours. The squeezing of the bottles helps to strengthen their fingers ready for later writing skills. Indoors, staff sit with children and talk about numbers as they play matching games.
Young babies enjoy sensory play. Staff make slime using shaving foam and glue. They encourage babies to feel it with their fingers.
Staff use different aromas, such as essential oils, and encourage babies to smell the mixture. Staff form strong bonds with the children they care for. They are caring and nurturing.
Consequently, babies are happy to try new experiences because they feel safe.Staff promote children's safety and well-being. They complete daily risk assessments indoors and outdoors to ensure the premises are safe.
Children benefit from freshly prepared hot meals. However, on occasion, hygiene practices are not at the highest quality that they could be.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: continue to support staff to maintain the quality of teaching at a consistently good level nembed the curriculum for communication and language further so children can practise their emerging conversational skills.review the arrangements for promoting children's health and well-being to ensure they are of the highest quality.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.