Abbot’s Hill Nursery

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About Abbot’s Hill Nursery

Name Abbot’s Hill Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Abbot’s Hill School, Bunkers Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP3 8RP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is good The ambitious management team has high expectations of staff and reflects on many areas of practice to carefully plan improvements.

Self-evaluation is accurate and effective methods are used to gather the views of parents, staff and children. Children are motivated to learn in the bright and stimulating environment. Staff remind children of the vast range of activities available, enabling them to make informed decisions about their day.

The nursery benefits from close links to the onsite school. Staff have access to wider training opportunities, professional expertise and use of facilities. This helps to promote children's physical development and ...begin to prepare them for school.

For example, older children take part in ballet classes and twice weekly physical education lessons. Parents appreciate the close attention the key person places on their individual preferences for their child's care. A gradual settling-in process works well, helping children to settle quickly and gain close attachments to the adults who take care of themYoung children like cuddles and being held.

Older children show confidence as they speak to adults about their needs. Staff continually promote children's well-being. They tailor each child's move between the rooms to meet their individual needs and regularly recognise and praise their achievements.

It is not yet outstanding because: Although detailed improvement plans are in place, the manager has not yet fully reviewed the impact of these on children's learning and development. The strategies staff use to inform parents about children's next steps in learning and how they can support these are not always successful. This means that some parents are not aware of how they can further extend children's development at home.

Also at this postcode
Abbot’s Hill School Club Excel at Abbot’s Hill School Barracudas Hemel Hempstead

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