Abbs Cross Day Nursery 3

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About Abbs Cross Day Nursery 3

Name Abbs Cross Day Nursery 3
Ofsted Inspections
Address Collier Row Childrens Centre, 28 Clockhouse Lane, Romford, RM5 3QJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Havering
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children spend extended time outside at this nursery. They develop their physical strength, such as they swing, slide and run freely. Children are encouraged to take appropriate risks.

They are confident learners who have a go. Children are resilient. They learn to understand that if they practise and try again, they will develop new skills.

Children are independent learners. They put on their own wellingtons to go outside. At snack time, children peel their own oranges and bananas.

They are encouraged to make decisions. Children do things for themselves. This helps them to develop their self-care skills.
Children talk to staff throughout the day. They listen and respond to thoughtful questions. For example, when children play with the sand, they talk to staff about their favourite ice-cream flavour.

Children express their own likes and dislikes. They listen to the opinions of their friends as they make pretend ice creams in the sand. Children learn how to communicate through back-and-forth conversations.

They learn new vocabulary and use it in their play. Children are busy. There is a wide variety of resources for children to choose from.

Children are encouraged to try new activities with their friends. They learn in a stimulating and fun environment. Children are excited to explore the nursery.

Their attitudes to learning are positive. Children wait their turn and share with others. They behave well.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Managers have a strong vision for the nursery. They understand the knowledge and skills that children need for the next stage of their education. Managers design a curriculum with a clear intent for all children.

They share this effectively with staff across the nursery. Children enjoy learning a broad range of knowledge and skills.Staff identify what children know and can do.

They use this knowledge to plan challenging activities. For example, pre-school children learn to hold a pencil, use scissors and dress themselves. Children do as much for themselves as possible.

They put tablecloths on the tables themselves and get changed for sessions to develop their physical skills. Children are well prepared for the next stage of their education.Staff interact with children purposefully.

They help children to develop their speaking and listening skills over time. All staff are positive in their interactions with children. They play with children.

Staff ask questions and give children plenty of time to respond. In the baby room, staff narrate what babies are doing. They talk about their families and use familiar names and words.

Babies are excited to listen and respond by smiling and clapping. Children become good communicators.Parents are positive about their children's experiences at nursery.

They report that their children develop self-care skills quickly. Parents say that they notice children are talking and engaging in imaginative play at home. They report that communication is effective and know what their children learn at nursery, which helps them extend their children's learning at home.

Staff understand that it is important for children to lead a healthy lifestyle. They provide children with a nutritious selection of foods to choose from. Children learn that certain foods are good for them.

They understand how to keep their teeth clean. Children know that playing outside helps them to stay healthy. They spend extended periods of time outside in all weathers.

Managers know that it is important for staff to regularly review their practice. However, they do not plan training opportunities that focus closely on individual staff. Not all staff are able to develop their knowledge and skills over time.

They do not always know how to improve their teaching of focused activities.Staff understand that it is important for children to learn about differences between people. However, children do not have opportunities to explore their local community.

Children in the nursery do not have consistent opportunities to share their own backgrounds with others. Children's understanding of other people and communities is not consistently strong.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a strong understanding of the signs that may indicate that children may be at risk of abuse or harm. They know how to report their concerns to the appropriate authorities. Staff understand the action to take should they have concerns relating to an adult.

Managers have a robust safeguarding policy, which is shared and understood by all staff. They understand how to check the suitability of staff. Managers share safeguarding policies and procedures effectively with new staff during their induction.

They carry out regular meetings with staff to make sure that their knowledge and skills are kept up to date. Staff conduct regular risk assessments of the setting to ensure that children are kept safe.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: plan professional development opportunities to further improve the quality of teaching of all staff develop opportunities further for children to promote their understanding of differences between themselves and other people.

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