Abu Bakr Nursery

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About Abu Bakr Nursery

Name Abu Bakr Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 150 Wednesbury Road, WALSALL, WS1 4JJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Walsall
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children relish their time in nursery.

They enter nursery happily, greet their friends and staff and settle quickly into a wide range of activities. Children's independence is nurtured. They confidently make choices and follow their ideas and interests.

Children actively seek time with the staff, sharing news about what they have been doing at home and showing them their art and craft creations. Superb relationships between staff, children and their peers are apparent. Children sing with gusto.

They join in with familiar songs and rhymes and enjoy choosing the songs they would like to sing. Younger chil...dren delight in choosing toys, such as a spider, duck or shark, to inform staff about what they would like to sing next, and join in with the actions and familiar words. Children's language and communication are given high priority.

Staff successfully support children, especially those children who speak English as an additional language. They build children's awareness of letter sounds and continually build their awareness of pronunciation, repeating words clearly and precisely. Older children delight in sharing the adventures they have with their families.

Children's love of books is nurtured by staff who add excitement and intrigue into their stories. Children talk about their own families after following the adventures of a family looking for a bear. Staff use this discussion to enhance children's knowledge and understanding of families, similarities and differences.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Managers and staff have an exceptional knowledge of children's backgrounds and personal experiences. They are highly intuitive to provide children with experiences starting with children's very basic needs, such as encouraging them to eat appropriately for their age. For example, they support children who are still being fed bottles to eat solid foods.

Staff recognise each child's individual needs. They support them to develop from their baseline assessments and move them on at their own pace, swiftly recognising gaps in individual learning. Children's language and communication skills are given high priority, as COVID-19 has impacted on their language and personal skills.

Partnerships with parents are excellent. Effective communication supports these relationships very well. Staff's awareness of the community enables them to provide information to parents about events that are happening and places to visit in the area to introduce new experiences to their children.

Social events take place during the year, enabling parents, staff and children to spend time together outside of the nursery environment. Parents speak highly of the care staff afford their children and feel that they trust staff implicitly.Leadership within the nursery is strong.

Managers support this highly qualified team of staff well, nurturing its unique qualities and abilities. Staff are passionate about the nursery and eagerly share information about the opportunities they provide for children and their families. Rigorous recruitment procedures ensure that staff are safe and suitable to care for children.

Effective monitoring of staff's practice means that their skills are recognised and further training opportunities are sharply focused. Staff cascade new knowledge to the wider staff team.Children's awareness of their own health and well-being is continually supported.

Children learn all about healthy foods and the impact of good foods on their bodies. Parents explain that their children remind them to make sure that they put only healthy foods into their lunch boxes and that jam sandwiches are not allowed. Children learn how to care for their teeth properly and practise cleaning routines using a large set of pretend teeth and brushes.

Older children learn to use the bathroom independently and younger children's care needs are successfully met throughout the day. Parents work together to support children to reach milestones, such as toilet training.Children become confident, independent individuals.

They make informed choices and follow their own ideas and interests. Children's behaviour is excellent. Their kindness and consideration towards others are exemplary.

Older children recognise the importance of listening to what each other has to say and give their peers time to speak. Children's self-esteem blossoms through the praise and encouragement bestowed on them by staff.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported extremely well.

The special educational needs coordinator is proactive in her role and prioritises time each week to listen to staff's concerns. Swift action is taken to seek involvement from other professionals and to implement strategies to support children in partnership with parents.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Highly effective risk assessments ensure children's safety is assured. Staff remain vigilant throughout the day to the safety and well-being of all the children. Staff work closely with parents to build their awareness of e-safety to help keep adults and children safe online.

Children learn about their own safety and regularly practise the fire evacuation drill. Staff have a secure knowledge and understanding of the various signs that may indicate a child is at risk from abuse and neglect. They fully understand referral procedures when they have a concern about a child in their care or if concerned about a colleague's practice.

Also at this postcode
Abu Bakr Boys School Abu Bakr Al-Ihsaan Academy

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