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About Acorn Kids Club
Acorn Kids Club
Green Lane Primary School, Acklam, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS5 7RU
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements The experienced provider operates a well-organised club. Children settle in quickly. They interact happily with one another and behave well.
For example, they focus and interact positively as they huddle together on comfortable cushions to read stories with their friends. Children feel safe and secure at the club. They form meaningful relationships with the staff and follow instructions well.
Staff use their strong knowledge and experience effectively to support those children who need additional help and encouragement. They gather essential information about children's interests, which they use to support children to sett...le in. For example, staff develop a vet's role-play area to engage children who have a current interest in animals.
Children are encouraged to be independent and look after their own personal care needs. They find their own tissue, blow their nose and dispose of the tissue in the bin. Staff remind them to wash their hands or use hand gel to get rid of germs.
Children pour their own drinks and serve themselves snacks.The manager recognises the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children's social development. She recognises that the pandemic has also had an impact on parents.
The positive changes she has made have resulted in extended sessions to meet the individual needs of each family.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff play and interact with children in a positive way. Children concentrate and persevere at the activities they choose.
For example, staff provide junk modelling to support children's imagination, creativity and thinking skills. Children enjoy making representations of the homes in which they live. Staff encourage and praise them for their efforts.
Staff promote children's healthy lifestyles well. Children understand the importance of washing their hands. For instance, they wash them before eating.
Children have ample opportunities to be active outdoors.The manager and staff create a nurturing environment with a family ethos. Snack times and mealtimes are happy and social occasions.
Children and staff sit together and become immersed in conversation. For example, children discuss with staff that they must eat their apples to be 'big and strong'.Older children warmly greet younger children on their arrival and show kindness towards them.
They give each other a hi five when they meet. This positive interaction helps children to develop secure attachments and supports their emotional well-being.Staff know the children well.
They collaborate with school staff highly effectively.For example, they exchange information with teachers at school. This includes finding out how children have been throughout the day.
Staff pass on these messages to parents and communicate well. This supports children's well-being.Staff support children to make their own choices and have a voice.
Children are supported to understand the importance of British values. For example, children self select what they want to play with, ask questions and speak freely.Committed and experienced staff are passionate and are keen to develop their skills and knowledge.
The provider supports them to access a wealth of training opportunities through links to the primary school. Staff discuss changes and any challenges that they encounter. This helps them to develop their skills as practitioners.
Parent partnerships are strong. Parents comment that staff keep them well informed about their children's time at the club. Staff consult with parents and value their views and suggestions for improvements.
For instance, they gathered and used parents' suggestions to change their opening hours to make the club accessible to more parents.The registered individual is aware of her responsibility to notify Ofsted of changes. However, on this occasion, she has not informed Ofsted about new committee members.
These committee members have completed Disclosure and Barring Service checks and do not work directly with the children in the setting. Therefore, although this is a breach to the statutory requirements of the early years foundation stage, it does not have an impact on children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff have a good understanding of child protection matters. They access appropriate training that enables them to identify the signs and symptoms of abuse or neglect, including how to identify those children who may be at risk of exposure to extreme views and behaviour. Staff know how to report concerns about a child's welfare.
They are aware of their whistle-blowing obligations. They know the roles of their relevant safeguarding professionals and how to contact them. There are clear procedures on the use of mobile phones.
The premises are secure and daily risk assessments are completed to ensure the children's safety