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The Rowans Family Centre, 13a Moorfoot, Fullers Slade, Milton Keynes, MK11 2BD
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Staff create a happy atmosphere in which children and their families feel welcome. This helps children to feel safe and secure.
They are quick to separate from their parents and join their friends at play. Children show confidence as they interact with staff and visitors. They are eager to share their thoughts and feelings about what they like to do at the nursery.
Staff plan activities and experiences to build on what the children already know and can do. This builds children's confidence in their abilities. For example, children explore cause and effect as they pick up leaves and throw them into the air.
The...y watch with delight as the wind carries them as they fall again. Children talk about the seasons and the changes they see in the garden.Staff promote children's physical skills well.
Children learn to use one-handed tools as they help to serve themselves at mealtimes. Children learn about healthy, nutritious food. Staff introduce children to new fruits and vegetables.
Children learn to try new foods and grow in confidence in sharing what they like and dislike. This helps children make choices and express their feelings.Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour and conduct.
They model positive attitudes and care for each other and the children. Children begin to learn to express and manage their own feelings. They begin to understand how their feelings and behaviours have an impact on others.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The new manager has worked with staff to develop a clear vision of what it is they want children to learn. She has worked with parents to know and understand children's starting points. She uses this information with staff to plan learning opportunities.
These encourage children to make good progress.Staff understand the areas of learning they teach and the way in which young children learn. They adapt their approach to meet the individual needs of the children.
The manager provides effective support, particularly for newer, less experienced staff. This helps them provide a consistent approach to how they teach children.Staff present clear information to children.
This promotes discussion about the subject they are teaching. Staff engage with the children and talk about their play and interests. Staff model language well and help children to develop a broad vocabulary.
They ask relevant questions to encourage children to recall and apply their existing knowledge, to work things out and to express their own ideas. However, at times, they ask questions in quick succession and do not give children the time they need to process their thoughts and respond.Children learn good hygiene routines.
For example, they independently wash their hands before lunch and wipe their noses. However, some routines and transitions of the day are not always planned well or supported by staff. This means that children do not always know what to expect and when.
Children learn to take appropriate risks as they play and learn. Staff support them in developing physical and emotional health. Children learn about healthy lifestyles and the importance of being active.
Children develop their spatial awareness and coordination as they explore large apparatus outside.An established key-person system helps children form secure attachments. Children seek to engage with staff in the rooms.
They enjoy cuddling and sharing their play. Staff engage with children well. They provide the care and attention that support children's feelings of belonging.
This promotes their emotional well-being.Children show positive attitudes towards learning through high levels of curiosity and enjoyment. They listen and respond well to adults and each other.
Children show a sense of pride in their achievements. For example, they smile as they succeed in rolling and pushing large equipment through small spaces.The manager is highly motivated to support children and their families, as well as others in the community.
The manager works with the children's centre to identify extra services available for families. For example, she provides information in the evenings to promote a healthy diet and oral health.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The manager promotes a culture of safeguarding. She provides ongoing support and training. This ensures that staff know and understand their role and responsibility to safeguard children.
Staff know the risk factors that might identify that a child is at risk of abuse. They understand the setting's policy for recording and reporting concerns. This ensures that children receive the help they need at the earliest opportunity.
Staff know the procedures to follow should they have a concern about the conduct of a colleague. There are clear procedures in place to keep children safe in an emergency situation.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to recognise when to allow children more time to process and respond to questions help children to understand daily routines so that they know what to expect and when.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.