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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children attending the club before and after their school day are made to feel welcome and included. Staff develop positive relationships with children and spend time having conversations that are relaxed and provide opportunities for children to talk about their day. Children are able to choose from a range of activities available.
For example, some children enjoy playing football with their friends, while others play a board game. This supports children to make decisions and learn different skills.Children enjoy spending time in the 'chill out' area of the club.
This space provides an opportunity for children to relax an...d take part in quieter activities, such as using small building blocks. Staff know the children well and share information from teachers effectively. This supports effective communication between staff, teachers and parents, so that children receive consistent care when they get to the club and when they get home.
Children's behaviour is positive and they understand the expectations that staff set out. Children can be heard reminding each other how to behave. Staff support children to resolve any issues with their friends independently, such as who goes in goal first during a game of football.
This enables children to develop their independence and ability to problem solve.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children are well supported to develop good hygiene practices. For example, they are gently reminded when needed, to wash their hands before snack or after using the toilet.
This supports their personal development.Staff encourage children to look after the resources and praise them appropriately when they tidy up or move the resources carefully. For example, children respond well to staff when they suggest moving the cones during a game of football, so that scoring a goal is more achievable for a younger child.
This provides opportunities for children to consider how their friends might feel, and show kindness and understanding towards them.Staff ask children for their feedback on the experiences provided. For example, children are asked to complete a survey using stars to rate the activities, and help to decide what to offer in the future.
This gives them an opportunity to share their views and feel valued.Staff work closely with teachers from the school to ensure that children are happy and settled. For example, teachers may walk a child in and help them choose an activity, if they have not attended before.
This supports children to feel safe and happy during their time in the club.A buddy system is in place to help children to feel included. For example, older children may be asked to buddy up with a younger child in the club and play with them for a while until they settle.
This promotes children's social development and also helps to develop friendships.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported by staff. For example, information is requested from parents when they book a place to ensure that staff are able to meet their needs effectively.
Staff also share messages with parents when children are collected at the end of the day. This supports a positive partnership with parents.Parents state that they are very happy with the care their child receives at the club.
They value the time staff take to settle children in and make them feel safe and secure. This gives children a sense of belonging.Leaders have a clear vision for the club and staff feel supported in their role.
For example, leaders work with staff to ensure they have the relevant knowledge, in order to feel confident in keeping children safe and providing a high-quality offer.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.