ActiveMe 360 CIC @ Riders Federation

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About ActiveMe 360 CIC @ Riders Federation

Name ActiveMe 360 CIC @ Riders Federation
Address Federation of Riders Infant and Junior, Kingsclere Avenue, Havant, Hampshire, PO9 4RY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are confident and independent. Staff help them to settle and place a strong focus on their happiness, safety, and security. They have high expectations for children's behaviour.

Staff support them effectively on the odd occasion when they struggle to join in with activities. As a result, behaviour is good, and children show positive attitudes in their play.Staff form good relationships with the children and, as a result, children feel safe.

Children eagerly run up to staff to say hello and give them a hug. Staff know the children well and understand their needs and abilities and plan activities to engage their int...erest and encourage them to join in.Children benefit from daily fresh air and exercise.

They take part in many outdoor opportunities which help them develop an understanding about staying healthy and being physically active. Staff encourage children to work collaboratively in group games such as 'wink murder'.During outside games staff use a wide range of directional language.

They instruct children to move left, right, forwards and backwards. This helps children to learn new vocabulary as they play together.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The management team is effective.

Staff report their well-being is good and they receive purposeful supervision and mentoring, which they value. They build on their skills through further training. Staff have a thorough induction process.

This helps to prepare them for their roles. It gives staff an understanding of safeguarding requirements. The management team are reflective.

They review what they do, determined to make improvements for the benefit of the children. This helps the provision continually evolve and adapt to meet the needs of the families in the area.Staff effectively support children's understanding of being healthy.

Children manage their personal hygiene well, understanding the importance of regular handwashing before mealtimes and after using the toilet. Staff provide healthy snacks, such as satsumas, which they encourage children to peel. Staff use lunchtime to further develop children's independence.

For example, although staff serve food, children choose where to sit, and what they would like to eat. Staff encourage children to taste the food when they say that they do not like it. Children subsequently follow staff's guidance and taste the vegetables.

Older children are kind and help younger ones. They hold their hands as they walk down the steps, counting as they go. Children know the routines well and actively take part in tidying up.

Staff form good relationships with the teachers on site. They also use the same information sharing system. This helps to always assure children's welfare.

Required documentation is readily available. The management team gain information about children before they start. This helps to ensure staff understand and meet the needs of children.

Staff gain information from parents about their children, including their likes and dislikes. Parents are complimentary about the provision and say staff are 'amazing'. They comment their children enjoy coming to take part in the activities on offer.

Parents say that handovers are informative and they get a sense of what their children have done.Staff provide many physical activities for the children to take part in. However, on occasions, when the groups are large, this can be quite overwhelming for some of the younger children.

This means that at times they do not gain as much enjoyment from these experiences as other children.Staff provide clear boundaries and expectations for the children. For example, children understand they must not go behind the markers or out of sight of adults.

Staff explain the purpose of the games, so children understand what they need to do.The provider has not always notified Ofsted of significant events as required. However, they have always informed other agencies.

They are now aware of the need to do this and will ensure they make the necessary notifications in the future.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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