After School at the Preschool

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About After School at the Preschool

Name After School at the Preschool
Address Harford Hall, St Laurence Church, Corbets Tey Road, Upminster, Essex, RM14 2BB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Havering
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff greet children in the playground when they finish school.

They share key messages about children's day at school before walking together to the after-school club. Children chat about their day and staff remind them of how to stay safe when crossing the roads. Relationships between staff and children are warm and friendly.

The after-school club is inclusive. Staff welcome all children, including those children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Staff create spaces for children, either outdoors or inside, to give them time to regulate their behaviour.

This supports children to see what other c...hildren are doing but feel safe while taking time to decide what they would like to do next. Children are happy at the after-school club. They appreciate that they get to choose what they do.

Children enjoy playing with different friends from the ones they play with at school. They explain that the after-school club does not feel like school. Children have lots of opportunities to be physically active, when they are inside in one area of the hall and during regular visits to the local park.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff know children well. They set up a range of resources which children can access while they are at the after-school club. Staff help children to complete puzzles.

They explain that it might be helpful to find the outside pieces first. Staff help children to match the correct pieces to complete the puzzle as they chat about their day. Children are confident to ask for specific games that they would like to play with their friends.

Staff make mark-making resources always available, so that children can draw or write. Some children choose to sit quietly and read a book when they arrive. If children want to complete homework while they are at the after-school club, they know they can ask staff for support.

Staff set the expectations of how children will behave at the after-school club. They acknowledge that children need to be able to burn off energy. Staff remind children of the rules during the session and to be aware of other children who attend to ensure that all children are safe.

Children enjoy a hot meal and a drink while they are at the after-school club. Staff offer children choices about what they would like to eat for their snack later. They provide children with a choice of fruit or vegetables alongside their meal.

Staff are mindful of children's dietary preferences and any allergies when preparing food. However, at times, staff do not give children consistent opportunities to take on some roles at mealtimes, such as serving food to their friends, to give them responsibility and promote their independence.The manager makes sure that there are plenty of staff at the after-school club to meet the needs of the children who attend.

They employ additional staff to walk children from school to the after-school club to ensure that they are safely supervised during this transition.Staff report that they like working at the after-school club. They complete regular training.

Staff say that they enjoy spending time with children and getting to know their different personalities. They get down to children's level to talk to them and make sure that they give attention to all children while they are the after-school club.The manager and staff understand the importance of establishing good partnerships with parents.

Parents praise the care offered by the manager and staff at the after-school club. They appreciate that staff pick up later if their child chooses to attend an extra-curricular activity in school or at one of the local halls.Parents describe the after-school club as 'a familiar haven' and praise staff for meeting their children's emotional needs.

Older children often choose to stop by and see staff after they have left the after-school club and started at secondary school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff understand their responsibilities to keep children safe.

They attend safeguarding training and are aware of a range of safeguarding issues, such as county lines and internet safety. Staff can explain the process to report a concern about a child. They are aware of the other professionals who may be involved to ensure that children are safe.

Staff understand the procedure to follow should they have a concern about a colleague working in the after-school club. The manager ensures that the relevant checks are carried out to make sure that staff are safe to work with children. Staff always supervise volunteers who help at the after-school club.

Also at this postcode
St Laurence Pre School

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