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About Afterschool Chillout
Afterschool Chillout
St. Stephens Church Centre, Canterbury Road, Colchester, Essex, CO2 7RY
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are collected from two schools by members of the club staff. They arrive at the club happy and eager to explore the activities on offer. They are confident in their environment and introduce themselves to visitors to the club.
Children share their news and talk about their day at school. They are very familiar with the routine of the club and know where to store their bags and coats on arrival. They are happy to see their friends as they arrive.
They choose from the familiar activities provided. A space in the hall is available for those who want to be more physical, and children enjoy practising their physical sk...ills using a soft ball. Staff show a genuine interest and kindness towards the children.
Young children have established close bonds with the staff. Children of mixed ages play well together. Older children are helpful and caring towards the younger ones, for example helping them with their artwork and explaining how to sharpen pencils.
Children are very secure and confident in their environment. An outdoor play space is available on some days and children have great fun outdoors. They enjoy the fresh air and opportunity to be physical and run around.
Young children are eager to help, and delight in handing out plates at teatime. Children sit together and chat as they eat a healthy, substantial snack. They can independently pour themselves drinks throughout the session to ensure they are hydrated.
They take care of their personal needs, fully supported by staff as required. Children's behaviour is good overall.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children enjoy their time at the club.
Staff know the children well and what they enjoy doing. They are attentive and have good interactions with them. Young children are cared for by familiar and consistent staff.
Children's emotional well-being is supported. They are offered cuddles and reassurance as required. They can sit on comfy chairs if they want a quiet space to relax from the school day.
The manager and her team have completed recent safeguarding training and fully addressed actions raised at the last inspection. The manager and her deputy are very hands on and they routinely monitor staff practice. Ongoing training is encouraged and supported.
Staff comment that they enjoy their work.Children thoroughly enjoy colouring. Quality resources are available, and children take care with the toys.
Children show sustained concentration as they make models using small bricks. They sit happily in groups and colour, cut and stick, using a wide selection of creative materials. Children use their imagination as they create stories using puppets and continue their games throughout the session.
The manager and her team of staff have established positive working relationships with schools that children attend. They share relevant information on collection to ensure continuity of care for the children attending.Staff have established welcoming and friendly partnerships with parents.
All parents speak positively about every aspect of the club. They comment that they are reassured their children are safe and have fun. Parents are grateful for the support and help their children receive.
Children enjoy a healthy snack tea. They can make choices from cheese, hummus, bread sticks and crackers and some fresh vegetables. Teatime is a sociable occasion and children sit and eat with their friends, demonstrating good manners.
Children are very polite and say please and thank you without prompts. They are caring and apologise if they bump into their friends. However, transition from teatime back to activities is not as organised and the noise level rises as children wait to resume play.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and her team now have a secure understanding of how to protect children's welfare. They have addressed actions raised at the previous inspection.
Therefore, priority is given to complete appropriate safeguarding training. The team are fully up to date with the process to follow should they have a concern. This includes a sound knowledge of the whistle-blowing procedure.
Staff demonstrate they have a good knowledge of the possible signs and behaviours that would cause concern that a child may be at risk. Wider aspects of child protection, such as county lines, domestic violence and the 'Prevent' duty, are also understood. Secure recruitment procedures, ongoing suitability checks and a thorough induction ensure children are cared for by people suitable to do so.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.