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About Akidz

Name Akidz
Ofsted Inspections
Address 18 Reedsfield Road, Ashford, Middlesex, TW15 2HE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision requires improvement The nursery is going through a significant period of change. The management team has a vision for the nursery. However, the nursery has faced significant challenges in recruiting new staff.

The quality of education that children receive is not yet consistent across the nursery. Interactions between the staff and children are variable. Staff identify children's interests and generally provide activities that will interest them.

For example, older children enjoy playing with the cars and trains and attempting to write their names. However, not all children benefit from a meaningful and effectively planned curriculum that ke...eps their engagement and takes their development further. Staff do not always consider the sequence in which children need to learn and plan activities to support children's individual needs and learning.

This results in some children losing interest and wandering around with less purpose to their play.Nonetheless, overall, children are settled and happy in the nursery. Children have started to develop bonds with the staff and settle quickly into their care on arrival.

This shows that they feel safe and secure in their care. The staff are caring and kind towards children. Older children spontaneously go to wash their hands when it is time to eat and manage their personal needs independently.

Children enjoy being physically active outside. For example, they practise climbing steps to the slide and move around, navigating space. Staff complete daily checks before going outside to identify and remove any risks and ensure children's safety.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The management team acknowledges there are improvements to be made in the nursery. The nursery is currently building a new staff team, and they are keen to build a nursery that is supporting children to achieve the best outcomes. However, this is not yet embedded, and consequently, children are not yet being consistently provided with the opportunities to make the best progress.

Management have identified that staff need support and training to successfully fulfil their roles. While they have begun to put strategies in place and employ a new staff team, there has not yet been enough time for this to have the desired impact.The new management team have a vision for a broad curriculum but plans for this are still in its infancy.

Not all staff have a good enough understanding about what children need to learn next and how to plan for this effectively. As a result, although children make some progress in their learning, they do not make the progress of which they are capable. Some focused activities are planned and provided for the children; however, children quickly lose focus.

They flit around the room, and their behaviour deteriorates. This is due to some weaknesses in new staff not being fully aware of children's individual learning needs. This is because of the recent changes to the staff team.

As a result, staff do not plan activities that consistently motivate children to engage and learn. Therefore, teaching is not yet sharply focused on closing the gaps in children's knowledge, and the overall quality of teaching throughout the nursery is too variable.Staff support children's independence and physical development.

They help engage babies and toddlers in music and movement activities. Older children practise smaller physical movements when they use pencils to make marks on paper and practise threading skills. Children build relationships with their peers and enjoy playing together.

For example, children giggle with excitement as staff sing the 'Hokey Cokey', and they decide which is their right and left foot. Older children work together to assemble train tracks, taking turns using the track. This helps to develop children's social skills and their ability to get along with others.

The management team and staff foster positive relationships with parents. They maintain a regular two-way exchange of information. Staff talk with parents when they drop off and collect their children.

Information about children's daily routine and activities are also uploaded onto an online application. This helps to ensure that parents are included and informed about their child's day and their learning and achievements.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date implement an ambitious and sequenced curriculum to help children build on what they already know and can do and to ensure they develop the skills they need for future learning.06/01/2025 To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: continue to build on the arrangements in place for the supervision, monitoring and training of staff to provide staff with the knowledge and skills they need to successfully fulfil their roles.

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