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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are happy and safe at this after-school club. Children attending the after-school club arrive eager to play and relax. They are greeted by friendly, familiar staff and quickly become engaged in conversation and activities.
This demonstrates that they feel secure. Staff plan an engaging and interesting range of activities, so that there is something to capture the interests of every child. For example, children participate in painting, construction, play dough and imaginative play with boxes throughout their time at the club.
Staff give children opportunities to provide their ideas about what they would like to tak...e part in at the after-school club. For example, they give children a choice of sports that they would like to do or discuss ideas for activities with children as they eat their snack. This helps children to have ownership over what they do at the club, so that they are keen to participate in what is on offer.
Staff carefully consider how to meet the needs of early years children at this mixed-age setting. They consider how to support these children to participate in everything on offer at the club. Staff encourage older children to help younger children.
Older children thrive with these responsibilities, and younger children benefit from the support and encouragement the older children give them.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff consistently get down to children's levels and support them very well in their play. This helps children to develop and extend their ideas for play.
For example, staff support children to develop their building block constructions, by asking open-ended questions about what they might add to the construction next. This also helps children to develop their communication and language skills as they hear new vocabulary during interactions with staff.Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour and remind them of these expectations clearly.
For example, when they remind children to walk inside. This helps children to generally behave well. On occasion, staff do not always have enough strategies in place to recognise and reward positive behaviours children display.
This is something that leaders could consider in order to support children with their behaviour even more.Staff support children to develop their independence skills well. They provide a selection of fruit and bread for children to select from and children serve themselves.
Children develop their self-care skills as they select their topping for their sandwich and spread this on themselves.Leaders have strategies in place to help children who may need extra support to access the club, such as children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). For example, they support staff with strategies to meet the needs of children with SEND and liaise with the local authority for support or extra funding, where necessary.
Staff support children to eat healthily and be physically active while at the club. They provide a healthy tea for the children and the specialist sports coach leads a variety of sports activities, such as ball games.The premises are safe and suitable for the children who attend.
Leaders consider how to make the best use of the space they have available. They ensure that children can access resources independently, so that they can make their own choices about what to play with. Staff make good use of the school facilities, such as the playground and school hall, to support children in their physical development, as well as the classroom, where children participate in arts and craft, cooking and construction activities.
Leaders continually evaluate the setting and understand the strengths of the setting and any areas which can be developed. For example, leaders have considered the premises and how they can ensure that the environment is conducive to the needs of the children and put plans in place to improve these even more.Leaders develop effective parent partnerships by putting systems in place to ensure that parents receive all necessary information and updates when they book a place at the after-school club.
Staff feedback to parents about what children have been doing during the session. Leaders seek the views of parents through talking to parents and sending out questionnaires seeking suggestions about how to improve the club.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff have a good understanding of processes to follow if they have concerns about the well-being of a child. They complete regular training about child protection matters. Leaders responsible for safeguarding have put effective systems in place to ensure that they are accessible to staff, whenever children are present.
Staff understand the steps to take if they are unable to get hold of a safeguarding lead for any reason. Staff understand the processes to follow for accidents and injuries well. They undertake ongoing risk assessments, so that risks can be identified and removed or minimised effectively, so that the premises are safe.