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St Michaels School, Boardman Fold Road, Manchester, M24 1GD
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children arrive excited to start their day at this preschool. Staff chat with parents and greet children warmly.
Children rush in to hang their belongings on their pegs and find their friends. They eagerly explore the nursery environment. Children engage in the activities that have been carefully planned and set out for them.
Staff know what and how each child learns best. Children investigate the outdoor areas with interest. They work together and discover that they can create a giant marble run from gutter pipes and tubes.
Younger children show curiosity as they mix herbs in the mud kitchen. Older children e...njoy picking strawberries and other fruit they have grown. Children choose what to do based on their interests.
Staff use their experience and skills to make sure children build on what they already know and can do.Children demonstrate very good behaviour. This is because staff model respectful communication and encourage turn-taking in conversations.
Staff listen to children and give them time to think and respond. As a result of this, children learn to listen to each other. Children feel safe here.
They show confidence while at pre-school. They approach visitors to ask them 'What's your favourite thing to do?'. They demonstrate good listening skills as they engage in meaningful conversation.
This is because staff take account of their ideas and feelings.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Managers have a clear vision of the curriculum delivered to the children. They focus on communication and language throughout the nursery.
For example, children show confidence in their knowledge of phonics. Staff extend their learning with new sounds and words. This helps children to become confident communicators.
Children understand the mathematical concepts appropriate to their age and stage of development. For example, staff teach children to count how many turns on the swing they have had to ensure effective turn-taking. They then continue to do this with their friends.
This helps children to understand maths in everyday activities.There are lots of opportunities for children to experience the local community. For example, all children regularly go to the farm and enjoy exploring the local woodland with staff.
This helps children to understand their local environment and have experiences that they might not otherwise have.Children show motivation and make good progress in their learning. They enjoy spending time together and resolve any misunderstandings with ease.
For example, children talk to each other and ask questions and opinions. This helps children to develop social skills and empathy for others.Children are confident in what they can do for themselves.
They put their things away and use the bathroom independently, as they are more than capable. However, staff take over key aspects of meal and snack times, such as serving food and drinks at most times. This does not always help children to build on their independence skills consistently throughout the day.
Children know the routine of the day at pre-school. This helps to give children a sense of belonging. However, there are times throughout the day where the activities and learning is not organised as well as other aspects of the day.
For example, while older children are listening during an activity, other children use the bathroom close by. This distracts children from developing their concentration skills fully.Managers ensure that staff are well supported in their work and well-being.
They have regular staff meetings and opportunities to discuss any concerns or training needs. Staff say that they enjoy their work and feel very supported by their managers. This helps to create a positive culture where both staff and children thrive.
Managers focus on improving staff knowledge of the areas of learning. They ensure that staff feel confident to make accurate assessments of children's progress. This helps identify any support a child may need at an early stage and implement strategies so that children continue to progress.
Parents report how happy they feel with the pre-school. They say their children have made good progress here. Parents have really good relationships with the staff.
They know what their child is learning now and receive online updates and regular reports about their child's progress. This helps to support a consistent approach to each child's learning and development.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
All staff have a very good understanding of what would make them concerned about a child's safety and well-being or a member of staff's conduct. They are confident in their knowledge of how to report concerns swiftly and correctly through the correct procedures. All staff have had recent safeguarding training.
Risk assessments are carried out regularly by all staff. Security of the pre-school is good and unauthorised persons cannot enter the premises or collect children without prior consent from parents.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to develop opportunities for children to build their independence, at all times throughout the day help staff to organise activities and learning with minimum distractions to ensure that children maintain concentration and know what to do next.