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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Staff are passionate about their role and ensure that this setting is welcoming and well organised for children after school. Children's leads and interests are used to plan activities. Children can add activity ideas to the planning sheet to ensure staff are aware of what they may like to do next.
This supports children's confidence in supporting their own learning. The setting provides a wide range of activities. There are opportunities for children to complete quieter activities, such as bead craft.
If they prefer, they can access activities to develop their physical skills, such as football and basketball. Children ent...er the setting excited and ready to see what is available to them on that day. They talk to staff about what they did in the holidays and how their school day went.
Children and staff have very positive relationships. Children mix well together despite age differences. Children quickly become engaged in activities and spend time concentrating at them.
For example, children spend time sorting out red, white, and blue beads to create a Union Jack flag, continuing the Queen's Platinum Jubilee theme. Children have a real sense of pride as they show staff their creations.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager leads an effective team, who are highly motivated to provide a good experience for children.
Staff encourage children to be independent while at the setting. They enjoy the opportunity to make choices for themselves. For example, the vast snack menu allows children to choose what they may like to eat.
Children's language is developed through the conversations staff and children have with each other. Staff use conversations to extend children's vocabulary and talk about what they are doing. Children are regularly praised, and they feel proud of their achievements.
This develops children's sense of well-being.The children have a real sense of belonging to the setting. Children create the rules of the setting.
This ownership supports children to behave well. They are very kind and helpful to each other. Children's work is displayed on the wall, which gives children a sense of pride in their achievements.
Children love exploring the outside nature garden. They hide behind the flower gardens and pick flowers to show their friends and staff. Children enjoy having the freedom to explore this area, knowing a staff member is close by to support them.
Each child has a key person who works closely with the school and the child's family. Information sharing is effective between the school and parents. This supports children's well-being.
Staff's knowledge of children ensures that individual needs are met at the setting. For example, staff recognise when a child's medication has been left at school and they are quick to ensure this is collected.Parents are very happy with the setting.
They praise the creative activities that are made available and comment how their children love bringing things home to show them. Parents praise the manager and his team and how settled their children are. Their children enjoy coming, which is the most important thing to them.
The manager works very closely with the school. By working together, they can support individual children to ensure that all children have the same opportunities. Children love coming to the setting and look forward to coming each day.
Parents state that they find it difficult to take their children home as they are enjoying their time at the setting.The manager has a clear vision for the setting and reflects regularly to ensure continuous improvement. He communicates regularly with the staff team to enhance their practice.
Everyday, they discuss the activities that children have enjoyed and what they may like to have out next. Staff feel very supported by the manager.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff have strong safeguarding knowledge. They are confident in their knowledge of who to report to if they are concerned about a child. Staff understand the issues that may come up for older children and the wider issues in society, such as the 'Prevent' duty guidance and county lines.
Staff know their own policy and are aware of where to find further information if they may need it. The manager ensures staff's ongoing suitability. This ensures children are kept safe.