All Cannings Pre-School

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About All Cannings Pre-School

Name All Cannings Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Village Hall, The Street, All Cannings, DEVIZES, Wiltshire, SN10 3PA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Exceptional staff create a nurturing and inclusive learning environment, which enables children to feel safe and secure at this wonderful pre-school.

Children develop their confidence and independence on arrival as they hang up their belongings and remove their shoes ready for their day. Staff are close by to support children where needed. If children struggle to separate from their parents, staff use their excellent knowledge to reassure and distract them to enable them to successfully engage in play.

Parents leave knowing their children are very well supported.The highly dedicated manager and her passionate carefully plan and implement a broad and ambitious curriculum, which they tailor to each child's learning needs. Each term, staff introduce children to a new book and use this as a thread for learning.

At group time, staff excitedly engage children in an interactive version of the story, this keeps children's attention and entices them to join in with the actions. Staff ask children, 'Do you remember?' to get them thinking about the story and what they have already learned. Children are keen to share their knowledge and beam with pride at the praise and encouragement they receive from staff.

Staff skilfully create various opportunities for children to use their knowledge and imagination to recreate the story in their free play by placing resources linked to the story around the environment.The manager values the importance of exposing children to a wide range of experiences to teach them about their local community and the wider world. They visit the local dairy farm, go on walks around the village and splash in the stream and visit the Christmas lights at the local garden centre.

Staff also welcome parents into the pre-school to share their cultures with the children.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The inspirational manager is an excellent role model for her staff. Her expertise, dedication and constant reflection ensures the learning and teaching that staff provide children is of a consistently high standard.

Staff state they receive very good support, and they love working at the pre-school. The manager provides them continuous training opportunities. Staff state what they have learned during training at regular staff meetings.

For example, they have discussions about curriculum delivery, reflect on what the children are learning and test their safeguarding knowledge. Staff and children thrive in this extremely supportive, inclusive and safe environment.Staff provide children with special educational needs and/or disabilities a highly inclusive learning environment that they access with their friends.

The very knowledgeable special educational needs coordinator works closely with parents and other professionals. They put strategies in place to ensure children have the support they need to make the best possible progress while at the pre-school, and enable them to access and enjoy a wide range of learning experiences.Children's behaviour, respect for others and the world around them is exemplary.

Staff quickly recognise if children are quieter than usual, they ask children how they are feeling and support their well-being. Children in the garden squeal with excitement when a ladybird lands on their hand. They carefully pass the ladybird to a friend, who requests to hold it.

Children treat the insect with care and respect. Staff close by praise children for their kindness and facilitate a discussion with children about why the ladybird is fragile, and consider where the ladybird may have gone when it flies away.Skilled staff incorporate maths language and concepts into play to build children's confidence and get them thinking even further.

At group time, staff ask children if they can estimate the number of children there are at pre-school today. Children eagerly give their answers. Children enjoy exploring shape at the mark-making table, supporting staff ask children what shapes they can see.

Children eagerly say 'circle' and 'triangle'. Staff extend learning even further by asking children how they know this and intently listen to children's explanations.There is an excellent partnership with parents.

Parents state staff are extremely caring and nurturing, which enables their children to flourish at pre-school. The manager and key persons visit children in their family homes in their first weeks at the pre-school, to build relationships and find out about families' cultures and traditions. This gives staff extensive knowledge of the children, which helps them provide children with a positive pre-school experience.

Staff use the information they obtain to ignite conversations about children's cultures and home life and incorporate this into the pre-school learning and curriculum.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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