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About AllKidsCan @ Wyborne Primary School
AllKidsCan @ Wyborne Primary School
Wyborne Primary School, Footscray Road, New Eltham, London, SE9 2EH
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are extremely excited when arriving at the club to meet their friends.
They are very enthusiastic and eager for the activities to begin. The professional and welcoming staff greet the children on arrival and know them well. This gives them a sense of reassurance and security.
Fun sporting activities are run in different ability and age groups, promoting their physical skills. They are happy to approach staff for help, demonstrating they feel safe. Staff hold high expectations and will adapt the sport so that all children are included and can take part.
This helps develop their confidence and self-esteem a...nd gives them a sense of achievement. Children's efforts and progress are praised in an encouraging and considerate manner, celebrating their success and triumph. The club has access to a large indoor and outdoor space with climbing equipment.
There is lots of sports equipment such as bats, different types of balls, hoops and bean bags to enable the children to make choices. Children's views and ideas are listened to, and they enjoy choosing fun warm-up games to participate in. Children behave very well and are polite, kind and considerate.
Younger children take part in hockey and cricket, whereas the older children play American football and dodgeball. They are good team players as they offer each other help and encouragement and wait for their turns patiently.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children are welcomed at the club by energetic and enthusiastic staff who promote an active environment.
This helps children develop a positive attitude mentally and physically and instils a healthier lifestyle.Staff work well together as a team and are supported well by management and leaders. They encourage professional development and progress through the organisation, as they are devising a new childcare and sport's qualification.
Staff plan in accordance with the children's interests. This ensures children are listened to and given the chance to try as many new opportunities as possible, broadening their knowledge and skills and opening them up to new experiences.Staff develop strong partnerships with parents and value children's achievements.
Regular sports days are held to share the hard work and progress children have made.Managers and staff are very professional and good role models. Children find them fun and approachable, and they help those who require additional support, showing respect to others.
Children needing additional support are able to join in fully with activities and are supported very well. This is because of strong partnerships with the school and daily information sharing with parents. This ensures children's needs are always being met.
Staff always promote independence. For example, children are always involved in setting up and clearing away the equipment. Children have good manners, are very motivated and keen to help.
Parents speak very highly of the organisation. They feel listened to as staff are very approachable and any issues are resolved quickly. Information is shared effectively through regular newsletters.
Questionnaires are used to gather parents' viewpoints to make improvements.Self-evaluation is of great importance. Managers regularly observe the staff's performance and give positive recommendations for improvement, making it a high-quality setting.
Induction and supervision procedures for new staff are effective and enable staff to fulfil their roles and responsibilities.Safety on the premises is taken very seriously and regular risk assessments are conducted daily. Areas posing risks are securely sectioned off, minimising any potential hazards.
Accidents and incidents are recorded immediately, and staffing is arranged well so that one member of staff is supernumerary at all times.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The organisation has strict safer recruitment procedures and all staff have carried out recent safeguarding and child protection training.
Staff have sound safeguarding knowledge and are able to explain clearly the signs that could place a child at risk. Staff know the correct procedures to follow regarding a child's safety and welfare. They understand the importance of reporting concerns to the designated safeguarding lead and know when to refer to external child protection agencies.